Thursday, March 26, 2009

Doctor's Visits

Tuesday I went for a doctor's appointment. I've hit the weekly stage. There is plenty of time to think waiting at the ob/gyns. Thought I'd share (possible TMI).

Basic Observations
  1. Peeing in a plastic cup the size of a shot glass becomes increasingly difficult as your belly grows increasingly larger. I would like a cup with handles.
  2. Jerry Springer though conversation inspiring is not what the majority of women waiting want to see.
  3. Drug reps who walk right in after I've been waiting half an hour beyond the time of my appointment frustrate me.
  4. The group B strep test is birth control.
  5. So is the hour and a half waiting at the office when the appointment takes all of two minutes and involves a tape measure and doppler machine.
  6. I've been with a clinic before where I had my choice of four doctors and to physician assistants. They are no more on-time than a one doctor, one physician office where I know who will deliver my baby.
For the Doctor
  1. Making a me wait with no pants on for 30 minutes guarantees you a frustrated woman.
  2. Asking me about a lost pregnancy every visit because you haven't read the problems drives me crazy.
  3. I truly like my doctor. I truly dislike being pregnant (though I am thrilled with the outcome and our ability to have a baby.) It is a love hate relationship I have with you.
For Women
  1. The man you choose to bring will embarrass you. Not because he means to, but because he doesn't want to be in the ob/gyn's office and he gets bored with daytime talk. Even I want to throw bits of rotten food at Rachel Ray and the Ladies of the View. (Guess what time my appointments usually are.)
  2. Your children could fall off the spinning doctor's stool if you let them play on it because every other method of distraction has failed.
  3. The beautiful women in the pregnancy magazines are professionally dressed, professionally made up, and air-brushed. And no store in Uniontown sells those cute dresses.
  4. You will gather more information from and give more information to the other women (and their men and children) than you thought possible. Even when your plan is to read something you have been wanting to read for weeks.
A Bonus
  1. Drinking in order to be sure you are prepared for the required bathroom visit before you leave for the appointment only assures your discomfort as the wait alone is long enough to fill your bladder.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday Night

My house is always a mess Sunday night. Always. I don't know how to fix it, but after the weekend and the ways weekends free me from the regular routine, disaster is sometimes not to serious a word.

Then Monday comes and groceries and miscellaneous necessities find their way into the . . . kitchen and by Monday afternoon, I am
  1. making dinner around a great multitude of stuff waiting to be put away, or
  2. putting away the stuff and peacefully making dinner (wait that is in my dreams), or
  3. putting away stuff and near tears asking to go out for dinner.
Does anyone else have this dilemma? If you don't, what is your secret?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

What's on Your List?

Thursday Thirteen

What's on your to-do list today?
  1. Dishes out of the dishwasher
  2. Shower
  3. Library for storytime
  4. Target for milk
  5. WAlk the Dog
  6. Fold laundry
  7. ANother load in
  8. Dress Abigail
  9. Make beds
  10. Purge Abigail's toys
  11. Organize Abigail's toys
  12. Read my Bible
  13. Take a nap (yes, I'm pregnant and Abigail was in our bed at 4:00 this morning, a nap belongs on the to-do list.)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


God blesses us, So the ends of the earth may fear Him. Psalm 67:7

How often I have read over this without catching it. May we shout His blessings so the ends of the earth may fear Him.

I'm so blessed:

Dog Obedience Classes
Cuddly Girls
Kicking Babies
More Time than I Need (even when I don't always feel like it)
A Forgiving Family
A Forgiving God

Monday, March 9, 2009

My Current Life

I won't do this often. My goal was to never do it, but if I want to post anything here today this is the only way it will get done.

Check out the catch-up list over at A Lettered Legacy today.