Monday, January 31, 2011


I have been feeling a little on the well, let's just say the discouraged side lately. I am happy to say that I can feel that changing.

So on this cold Monday morning if you find yourself feeling a little discouraged...I hope what I am sharing will help you add and rearrange some letters to make you ... encouraged!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

~ Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

When I find myself discouraged I have some verses that give me comfort and His peace. I also have a few quotes that I find encouraging. But I also seek refuge in music.

If you have some time this morning to listen to a few songs I hope they speak to your heart.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Giving thanks...

I guess it might seem trite at times when we talk about counting our blessings, but it's essential to maintaining  perspective!  There are so many blessings and as we learn to live with a trusting heart, we can see the positives even in the events and situations that are difficult.   
Tonight I am thankful for...
 - a dear friend and former colleague from the Philippines who is scheduled to visit us for the weekend.  The prospect of having overnight company means my house is a bit tidied up and the fridge is full!
- my husband and children - I really don't deserve to have such a wonderful family!
- texting - don't know how I'd keep up with my adult children without it!
- snowdays and two hour delays - I love the beauty of the snow and it's great celebrating with my son when we get news of a delay or cancellation.
- womanhood!  A Bible study I am doing on the book of Esther is reminding me to celebrate being a woman.  One of the best parts of being a woman is the great understanding I share with my mom, sisters, and all my female friends!
-Jesus, an amazing friend who has never given up on me.  He has comforted me through the crushing heartbreaks and the many small trials on my journey.  We are never alone!
By Joy Herman

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I am trying.

Trying to change my very poor attitude that I cannot seem to shake this week.

Why is that?

Well let me list some things (in no particular order):

* My dryer has been broken for 8 days now ...

* My son has been coughing for 2 weeks now...

* My daughter has been sick with a temp and sore throat since Sunday night...

* I have not been feeling well for about a week...

* I hear the demanding form of the word "mommy" . . . . ALOT!

* I am not meeting goals that I have set for myself.

*As much as I LOVE the keeps getting in the way!

*Our checking account seems to be leaking.

*My house is well...let's just say...well, let's just not say!

*I am tired! Why aren't my children?!

You know the song "Count your many them one by one...count your many blessings...see what God has done..."

I have many. Sometimes for me, it helps to list what is making me crabby (or what I feel is making me crabby) and then make the list of blessings that makes me sick at my stomach for making the crabby list to begin with!!!

* I have a warm home!

* I have moms who are doing my laundry while my dryer is broken.
YES I have noticed that my dryer happens to be broken while we are all sick. A hidden blessing! My only worry right now is taking care of my children, NOT the build up of housework that awaits when we are better!! Wow! God timed that just right, I'd say!

* My goals are never out of reach.

* I really do LOVE the snow!

* One day that word "mommy" is going to turn into "MY MOTHER" and it's going to sound like "Mom" topped with attitude because I AM annoying THEM! So perhaps I better cherish every "mommy" I get no matter what the tone!

* Mr. Stafford (the repair man, who I should really add to my Christmas card list...heck Christmas GIFT list!) is on his way at this VERY moment!!!!

* My kids just have a virus. Nothing major!

* My husband will fix the leaks in the checking account. It's not really my responsibility.

* I am loving the book of Esther! (It's in the Bible)

* My house will never reach my standards. In fact NEITHER WILL I!!!!!

The point to all of this is...

My lack of changing my attitude and my perspective is the reason I am crabby. I do not like negative people. I really don't like when I become one.

I am going to spend this Mommy & Me Thursday doing just that...SPENDING TIME WITH MY ME'S!!!!!!

New Super Mario Bros we come!!!!!!
I'm feeling better already!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mom's Night Out

This past Saturday was our Mom's Night Out!

We had a very nice time! Lots of laughing, sharing, caring and encouraging. We also had FUN!

We missed those that were NOT able to make it!

Question Tuesday...

The Genovese household is a bit under the weather today.

Well, all except THE BIRTHDAY BOY (Alex)!

I have TWO questions for today...

1. What do you consider a fever for your child?

2. What fun, calm things, do you do to take away the "not feeling good" blues?!

Monday, January 24, 2011

God's Breath

Dear God,

You told me that I needed to celebrate the eternal. You have been whispering to me for a while that I cannot be grateful for the cardinal and for the snow and for the quiet in spite of the life happening around me. That while breathing frustration at my husband or impatience at my children the gratitude for the cardinal was praise devoid of power.My heart wasn't changing.

So I've been finding delight in the laughter and in the questions and in the life that happens around (and lately in spite of) me. Today we frittered away a morning--the library, some shopping, lunch out. We came home. I called my mother, we snacked, put away some clothes, and we went back outside. They played; I shoveled. I got impatient with the constant asking for a snowman, but. . .. They laughed and they played and they yelled at the dog. I came in without stress, without anger. . .free.

My friend remembered our date--getting together while Chris and Abigail were at Cubbies. I had forgotten. In the storm, schools and other extra-curricular activity had been canceled. Chris said to go. I said thank you.

We met at Panera. We talked about our families and our dreams, our husbands and jobs. We ate good food and drank equally good hot beverages. I talked more this time. The last she talked more. That is the way of friendship. I left satisfied by both the food and the camaraderie. I left heart-full.

That is why you want me to celebrate those with Your breath! Heart-full is Your gift. The snow and the quiet and the cardinal, they're the whipped cream and chocolate shavings (for a woman who doesn't like cherries on top.

Thank you.


Originally published on A Lettered Legacy.

Friday, January 21, 2011

A bit more thankfulness...

Here We Go... (sorry, so in Steeler mode!)

Today I am thankful for...

My mom - for many reasons - but I am listing her today because she did MANY loads of laundry for me. You see my dryer is broken and I am patiently waiting for Mr. Stafford to come and fix it.

My mother-in-law - also for many reasons - but I am listing her today because she has volunteered to do ROUND 2 of said laundry.

Answered prayers.

A forgiving, patient, loving... Father.

Steeler football.

A day of fun spent with my children.

Friends who love me inspite of me = )

One minute phone calls that last much, much, MUCH longer = )

Mommy & Me

Aaron and I have been at each other this past week. Days were going into an predictable pattern:

Having fun playing
Him: pester or whine or both
Me: crab at him for pestering and/or whining

Lather, rinse and repeat...

I know it has a lot to do with being indoors with cold, gray weather. It almost seems that being stuck somewhere inherently makes where you are less interesting. And by Monday I'd had enough of our vicious cycle.

I told Aaron we were going on an adventure that required winter play clothes. We suited up and drove away from home (getting away from home was integral to the success) for an adventure in the woods. I felt nervous going to the "real woods," without more adults, so we went to an area across town that has woods near the neighborhoods. We explored through a small wooded area, climbed over a creek with ice, followed animal tracks, saw deer pee (what 4 year old boy doesn't delight in spotting deer pee?) and had some fresh air. We went from there to a nearby park to explore more. We saw bugs walking on snow, a loose dog and even landed in soft snow at the bottom of some park slides!

It was the perfect break from our bleak indoor frustration. And while we did have some whining and crabbiness on our drive home (some of which was mine!) we had a clean slate from which to start again. I'm so glad we live in such a beautiful area. The beauty of God's world is out there for the looking, and sometimes it takes a little frustration to get out there and delight in it! I can't wait for it to snow more!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Thank you, God, for little hands!"

This was an exclamation I made frequently as I washed the grubby little hands of my toddlers through the years.  The inspiration had come from a Christian author whose name I cannot remember since her book was loaned to me just for a short time.  She encouraged mothers to bring the spiritual dimension of life into the brief, seemingly insignificant moments of everyday life.  Because of my temptation to feel impatient at the tedious tasks of mothering little ones, I really grabbed on to this idea and ran with it!  When I bathed the kids, I talked about Jesus washing our hearts clean from the bad things we do.  While dressing them I told them how God had made them and was helping them to grow so big.  Then I would add that Daddy and I hoped that they wouldn't just grow big and tall, but that they would grow strong inside, too. 

While this may sound a little crazy, it brought so much meaning to the tasks which seemed to be repeated incessantly.  For many of our years with babies and toddlers, we were living in a huge city overseas that was very polluted with the diesel smoke of public transportation.  This meant that the task of keeping children clean and healthy was intensified and often painstaking (heating the bath water in a large kettle since hot water didn't come out of faucets, conserving water when there was a shortage during hot season,etc).  When I felt like I was at my wit's end, those words of thanks to God would automatically come out of my mouth, and in seconds, I would regain perspective on life.  "I'm so blessed, how can I complain about these tiny problems?!"

The best part of bringing spiritual lessons into daily life, is that kids pick up the habit, too.  On one occasion we heard our 3 year old admonish her erring younger sibling, "It says in the Bible to obey your parents!"   When our kids were sick and inconsolable, they would beg, "Pray, Mommy!"    During good times, there was a strong sense of everything coming from God who loves us so much.  Although we prioritized reading Bible stories to our kids and praying with them,  it seems the spontaneous teaching moments had just as great an impact on our children's spiritual growth.

Now, as I look back, I treasure the many happy moments of those early years.  Although I remember the hard work, what truly stands out are all of the sweet rewards.  Fun and laughter, love and togetherness, answered prayer, precious memories....all made possible by my loving Heavenly Father whose grace was always there.  So often it was His presence which soothed the rocky moments and brought peace and calm.

The closest I get now to my "thank you God for little hands" moments is praying every morning in the car with my 16 yr. old son, Peter, as I take him to school.  That same sweetness fills my heart as I commend him to God's care and send him off in hope that he will pray throughout his day.  My new role as a grandma seems to carry a lot less responsibility and a lot more fun, but I still plan to grab as many teachable moments as I can.  No doubt, little Liam will soon be hearing me say, "Thank you, God, for little hands!"    

by Joy Herman

Monday, January 17, 2011


Broken Resolutions

So we’re over half-way through January and if the statistics are correct almost 25% of us have already broken our New Year’s resolution. (What do you mean that Twinkie’s aren’t whole-grain? I wasn’t “yelling” at my kids; I was simply enunciating in a loud voice.)

If you’re like me and a whopping 60% of us, our resolutions won’t make it past July and another 30% will join our sorry crowd by December. Only about 10% of all New Year’s resolutions will actually be life-altering changes.

And if we’re honest with ourselves, didn’t we all kind of know that deep down in our gut? I mean, sure, we really, really, really wanted to change. We really, really, really understood the necessity of change. We really, really, really committed to change. We even bought a gym membership or put the Bible reading schedule on the refrigerator. We promised ourselves no more yelling at the kids. This year would be different. But even as you did, didn’t you feel that nagging doubt about the probability of success? I did.

So what gives? Why is it so frustratingly hard to change?

Ask the self-help gurus and they’ll give you a list of 10 helpful hints of “How to Make that Resolution Stick.” It will include everything from having support of family and friends to only making smaller, manageable changes. And while these are good ideas, they miss one basic, fundamental truth: we human beings are a pretty helpless lot left to ourselves.

Unfortunately, we’ve been taught the exact opposite. As a society, we’ve pretty much convinced ourselves that we are able to change on our own. It’s the American way. We’re self-made people. We pull ourselves up by our bootstraps. When the going gets tough, we get tougher and get going. And if we’re not careful, we end up judging those around us who aren’t tough enough to make it.

That is, until it’s us.

The wonderful, grace-filled thing about New Year’s resolutions and the fact that most of us end up breaking them is that it shows us just how weak and desperate and helpless we really are. It humbles us and reminds us of what we already knew. Let’s face it, if we need to make the resolution in the first place, weren’t we already failing?

And if God were a God that judged us on our ability to be strong, on our ability to make something of ourselves, we’d be in a heap of trouble. But God isn’t like that because strong people simply don’t need Him. And strong people don’t bring Him glory.

It’s the rest of us, the 90% of us that can’t even keep a resolution that desperately and helplessly need Him. And it’s the rest of us who are going to cry out to Him when we don’t have the strength to resist temptation, the ability to manage our lives, or the will to stop yelling at our kids. I’m not saying that God is going to miraculously make that extra 15 pounds disappear or even that He’ll erase your credit card debt. But when we can’t do it, when we’re weak, He is strong.

So go ahead embrace that broken resolution, look it square in the eye and accept that you failed. Once again. And be comforted by the fact that your God specializes in second chances and broken, weak people. Maybe the best thing that can happen to any of us at the start of 2011 is a fresh dose of humility and a large dose of God’s love and power to change us.

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. Philippians 1:6; 2:13 (NLT)
~Hannah R. Anderson

Friday, January 14, 2011


Thankfulness is not in the forefront of my mind this week. Enough has happened that I'm focusing heavily on the things that I'm not happy about and on my worries about the future. I think we all get like that from time to time but this week I've had it badly.

In Alcoholics Anonymous they have a phrase "Fake it til you make it" which basically means "think thankful thoughts and you'll start to be thankful" (and, in the converse, "think worrisome thoughts, and you'll start to be worrisome!) Thinking unthankful, selfish thoughts as I have this week has just brought me lower and lower into self pity instead of paying attention to all of the reasons I am blessed.

Isn't it just like God to have me scheduled to write a blog post about thankfulness this week? He, in his sense of humor and perfect timing is giving me a good opportunity to refocus. So here I am going to start to fake it 'til I make it and can list some of the obvious things for which I am thankful. Even as I start to write these, one of my favorite hymns "Seek Ye First" (which quotes Luke 12:31) runs through my head:

• My warm home
• Food in my fridge
• Snow in which to play
• Good health in my family
• The promise of eternity when I'm gone from this earth
• My sweet husband and son
• My employer who has worked around my crazy schedule and the job I love

Wow, now that I've started... I think I could keep going!

Then Jesus said to his disciples:
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?

“Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith! And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.

Luke 12: 22-31

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Today Ethan's marble jar (okay, it's not really a jar - it's a plastic Chinese food container that my Sweet & Sour sauce comes in from our FAVORITE Chinese restaurant in Pittsburgh) cracked and broke. 200+ marbles will do that to a plastic container.

I simply dumped his marbles into something else and tossed the container in the trash.

You think I would know better by now. Or should I say, you would think I would know my child better by now. He saw me toss that and well, his little world came to an end. He began to cry and get very upset.

"What's wrong Ethan? It's broken honey. We can't keep it." I said to him.

"But I want it!" came is teary reply.

"Why? All of your marbles will fall out. You could cut yourself. There is pieces sticking out that are sharp!"

"But I want it?"

"Why?" I tried again.

"Because I love it mommy!" he said sincerely.

"What are you going to do with it?" I heard my "giving in" self say.

"Put it up high on my shelf where it can't cut me, but I can look at it."

"Okay buddy. Let me get it out and wash it for you. We will put it up on your shelf."

You know I couldn't help but think. Aren't we like that broken plastic container that should have be thrown away? Not looked upon with love and patience?

We are broken.

In our broken bodies we hold onto things that weigh heavy on our hearts and cause our brokenness to be more severe. With our broken bodies we can hurt people, unintentionally. In these broken bodies we can be in pain. In these bodies we are weak.

However, God loves our broken bodies. He doesn't want to just toss us and give up on us. He wants to love us. He wants to look at us and be proud that we are His creation.

It's not easy to live in these broken bodies. Sometimes you just want to give up. Sometimes, like the marbles pressing on the plastic, there is so much pressure on these bodies - kids, marriage, jobs, homes, bills, family, friends, stress, unhappiness, guilt, sin, shame, etc. - just pushing and pushing to the point where we feel we are going to explode! Isn't it nice to know even with ALL of this and sometimes MORE so because of ALL of this...we are loved...UNCONDITIONALLY for who we are.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jen's "Almost Famous" No-Bake's

You will need:

2 cups of sugar
3 and 1/2 tablesoons of Hershey's Cocoa
1/2 cup of milk
1/2 cup of butter
3 cups of Quaker's 1-Minute Oats
1/2 cup of Jiffy Creamy peanut butter
1 teaspoon of vanilla
Wax paper

Combine oats, peanut butter and vanilla in a bowl and set aside.

Prepare your table or counter top with wax paper to soon scoop out the cookies.

On stove top in medium pan, combine: sugar, cocoa, milk, and butter. Stiring CONSTANTLY...bring to a fast boil...still stiring let boil 90 seconds -set a timer!
After done boiling, remove from stove and add bowl of oats, peanut butter and vanilla. Stir well. Take tablespoon fulls and drop onto wax paper.

Allow time to harden and enjoy!

Recipe is from the cookbook of Jen Genovese

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Question Tuesday...

Is mothering easier or harder than you thought it would be?

This week's question comes from our MOPS mom Karen Novak. My apologies for getting this question on so late today.

Stinkin' Storm


I am sorry to report that the MOPS meeting scheduled for tonight has been canceled. We were holding out but it looks as if the storm is unavoidable. We will not be rescheduling the meeting.

But, we are working with our panelists to have them visit The Tea House on January 22nd from 6:30-9:00. So stay tuned for more information about that Mom's Night Out.

Stay Warm and Sled Ride,

Monday, January 10, 2011

This past week I needed a root canal for a tooth that has been hurting.  Fortunately it wasn't a really painful tooth ache, but around the sixth day, I decided I definitely couldn't live with a sore mouth anymore.  My dentist is terrific and he even took time to explain to me how there are three roots from the tooth and he had to go in and clean them out and close them off.  I still have to go back two more times for a permanent filling and then the crown.  It was really just a small thing, but as I recovered I got to thinking about God's work in my life over the years.

Last week Jen posted Psalm 139 which is one of my favorites.  This psalm, which speaks so beautifully of God knitting us together and knowing us intimately, ends with a prayer, "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."  I have found the thoughts in this prayer to be essential to my living a life that is full of joy and peace.  I have to let God look into my life and show me things that need some fixing or cleaning.  I would rather not go through this painful process, but He is a gentle "surgeon", cutting away the bad and allowing me to grow and thrive.

It would be so much easier -so it seems- to just cover up these areas and not submit to God's healing process.  Hebrews 12:11 speaks of this when it says, "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.  Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."  You may have heard the saying, "God loves us just the way we are, but He loves us too much to let us stay that way."  We are not alone when we say "ouch!" and wonder why God seems like He is not letting up on teaching us another lesson!  Everyone who has come to Him as Savior and Master has moments of saying, "Lord, could you give me a little break and let things be easy for awhile?!"

Even Jesus, during His time on earth, learned through his experiences.  He was the perfect Son of God, and yet Hebrews 5:8 says, "Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered."  If Jesus could learn valuable lessons during His stay on earth, how much more do I need to learn during my journey everyday?

Sometimes my painful lessons come because of my own stubbornness and sin.  Other times they come because of the sin and selfishness of others.  Most frequently they come because of living in this "crappy, broken world" (so my daughter, Christy, calls it!).   In whatever way God's careful discipline comes into my life, it works best when I relax and let Him have His way.  It's amazing how this changes my perspective and allows me to say "You know best, God.  I don't like this, but more than anything, I want You to have Your way in my life.

My tooth, and the whole side of my mouth are feeling so much better!  I will still be back in that dentist chair again next month, trying to be a good patient!  As the hygenist hands the dentist the tools to finish the dental work, I plan to do another personal inventory with God.  Am I submitting to His plan for my life and letting Him remove what He needs to so I can bear lots of good fruit and serve well where He has placed me? 

"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.  These have come so that your faith - which is of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire - may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." 
II Peter 1:6,7


Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year

Well, the time of celebration is over.
 Thanksgiving is long past. Christmas toys have become old. The ball has dropped and confetti has been vacuumed.
Now it is time to get to the business of life and change and goals and . . . work. Doesn't it have the sound of drudgery--taking inventory of our shortcomings, making lists of the ways we would like to change, resolving.

After the first week of thinking over these things, perhaps it is time for a new inventory. Let's make a celebration list. Celebrating the gifts He has given us--talents, transformation, fun.

:: making stars on the ceiling ::
:: naked boys ::
:: snow ::
:: almost finished with the thumb of my first ever crocheted mitten ::
:: cats sleeping at my feet ::
:: finding a multiple alarm alarm clock for my computer ::
:: picking up ::
:: a day to finish the unfinished tasks from the week ::

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Are you fooled?

Bedtime is a challenge at our home. Anyone who knows our four year old, Carmie, can understand. His big brown eyes and ornery smile sums up his whole personality! Carmie has every excuse not to go to sleep. He needs a drink. He has to pee. He needs his back scratched. We hear the whole list of reasons. But last night he tried a whole new line...

We started at 8 to put him to bed. We had prayer time, story time and even bathroom time. By 8:30 we had the drink of water, extra talking and so on. About five minutes after the last warning of going to sleep, it happened. Carmie stood at the top of the step and yelled down "Will you always be in my heart no matter what?" Well, of course, the mother side came out. I went up the steps and gently picked him up. The kisses came and his smile was ear to ear. I explained that no matter where or what we would love him. He simply replied "I knew that! But can you scratch my back it itches!" He got me again!

When I sat for my quiet time, I thougt how I try this same technique with God. Scripture tells us we should ask God directly for what we need and want. (that doesn't mean we will always get it!)It also says that we have blessings in Heaven that we will not recieve because we don't ask. How sad for us! You see God isn't fooled like I am. God know before we even ask him what our true intentions are.

What do you need to ask God for today? Is it guidance in a matter such as finance, spiritual, or even small decisions. It it time management? Whatever it is, I hope you understand that God wants to be asked!

~Donna Galderisi

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Recipe Wednesday!

This will surely warm you up on a cold winter's evening!

Roasted Chicken Noodle Soup

1 cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped carrots
1 cup chopped celery
2 teaspoons olive oil
1 garlic clove, minced
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1/4 teaspoon poultry seasoning
6 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth
4 cups cubed peeled potatoes
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups cubed cooked chicken breast
2 cups uncooked yolk-free wide noodles
1 cup fat-free evaporated milk

In a stockpot, saute the onion, carrots and celery in oil for 5 minutes or until tender. Add garlic; cook 1 minute longer. Stir in the flour, oregano, thyme and poultry seasoning until blended.
Gradually add the broth, potatoes and salt; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes or until potatoes are tender.
Stir in chicken and noodles; simmer for 10 minutes or until noodles are tender. Reduce heat. Stir in milk; heat through (do not boil). Yield: 8 servings.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Question Tuesday!

I ponder a lot and question myself a lot, do you? Especially in my role as mommy, I find myself always asking "could I have done this better?" or "why did I say that?" and so on. I believe in extending myself grace as the Lord does, as I am human, but I also believe in improving where I can. I know that it's no surprise to God when I mess up (nothing is a surprise to Him!) but it is a surprise to me!
One thing I really am trying to focus on with my son is actually focusing on my son. I'm usually found juggling about 12 things- my phone, (ooh, a text!), lunch, picking something up, AND talking to my little guy. Not often am I just looking him in the eye and talking to him. Did you know that that is one of the key ingredients in feeling included and part of a family? Sincere conversation and personal time spent. And yet, does he feel that when I'm texting and dusting and talking? I know it's not realistic to sit all day and look into his eyes while we converse, but do I do it much at all? This is what I'm working to improve.

Do you have anything you want to improve in your mommy-ing?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy 2011!!

Happy New Year!

Everyone get out their New Year’s resolution list. Let’s compare. I bet we have very similar things on our lists.

1. Be a more attentive mommy.
2. Make an effort to… make an effort.
3. Lose a few pounds. Treadmill is lonely.
4. Write.
5. Write.
6. Write.
7. Be genuine or nothing at all.
8. Visit those special people in your life who you keep saying you will visit.

That is not my entire list, but you get the idea. Do we have any matches?
What is it about New Year’s that we feel the need to put more pressure on ourselves? We don’t feel like we live up to our many roles already…mommy, wife, sister, daughter, aunt, friend, cousin, niece, employee, daughter of Christ. Yes some of these are more difficult at times than others, yet we still feel the need (not consciously) for more stress. Especially the mommy, wife, daughter and friend roles.
There is nothing wrong with setting goals for ourselves. In fact I think the beginning of a a new year is a great time to make changes. It helps you (especially if you are a list person) to put a time line to things and it is fun! I plan on reaching some of the goals listed above. Sometimes we need resoultions to help us change our focus.

As we critique, edit, work on and even achieve things on our list let’s not forget one important thing. We are already fearfully and wonderfully made.

1 You have searched me, LORD, and you know me. 2 You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. 3 You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. 4 Before a word is on my tongue you, LORD, know it completely. 5 You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. 6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.
7 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? 8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. 9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, 10 even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. 11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” 12 even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.
13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. 17 How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God! How vast is the sum of them! 18 Were I to count them,they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you.

19 If only you, God, would slay the wicked! Away from me, you who are bloodthirsty! 20 They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name. 21 Do I not hate those who hate you, LORD, and abhor those who are in rebellion against you? 22 I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies. 23 Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

~Psalm 139