Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Question Tuesday...

Is mothering easier or harder than you thought it would be?

This week's question comes from our MOPS mom Karen Novak. My apologies for getting this question on so late today.


  1. Harder!!! Wow, I thought it was going to follow that whole "All you need is love" theory. How wrong I was!

  2. MUCH Harder!!

    It seems the older my two get the more challenging it becomes! Among the challenges we face as a mom the one that gets me the most is that I really thought kids would listen and understand what you meant better as they got older. That's how it's suppose to go RIGHT?! LOL

    Still...even on this NO SCHOOL - WOO HOO! - day where they woke up happy, then cranky, then fighting, then demanding, then back to loving each other again...I wouldn't change a thing...

  3. I agree that it's harder than I thought it would be, however, I have to say that as I've grown into the habit of trusting God and depending on Him, it's gotten easier in a way. I still really, really need His help each day! Perhaps it is that I'm getting to an easier stage as my chicks fly out of the nest!!
