Monday, January 24, 2011

God's Breath

Dear God,

You told me that I needed to celebrate the eternal. You have been whispering to me for a while that I cannot be grateful for the cardinal and for the snow and for the quiet in spite of the life happening around me. That while breathing frustration at my husband or impatience at my children the gratitude for the cardinal was praise devoid of power.My heart wasn't changing.

So I've been finding delight in the laughter and in the questions and in the life that happens around (and lately in spite of) me. Today we frittered away a morning--the library, some shopping, lunch out. We came home. I called my mother, we snacked, put away some clothes, and we went back outside. They played; I shoveled. I got impatient with the constant asking for a snowman, but. . .. They laughed and they played and they yelled at the dog. I came in without stress, without anger. . .free.

My friend remembered our date--getting together while Chris and Abigail were at Cubbies. I had forgotten. In the storm, schools and other extra-curricular activity had been canceled. Chris said to go. I said thank you.

We met at Panera. We talked about our families and our dreams, our husbands and jobs. We ate good food and drank equally good hot beverages. I talked more this time. The last she talked more. That is the way of friendship. I left satisfied by both the food and the camaraderie. I left heart-full.

That is why you want me to celebrate those with Your breath! Heart-full is Your gift. The snow and the quiet and the cardinal, they're the whipped cream and chocolate shavings (for a woman who doesn't like cherries on top.

Thank you.


Originally published on A Lettered Legacy.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder to be and to listen. Your thoughtfulness about life always inspires me!
