Friday, January 21, 2011

Mommy & Me

Aaron and I have been at each other this past week. Days were going into an predictable pattern:

Having fun playing
Him: pester or whine or both
Me: crab at him for pestering and/or whining

Lather, rinse and repeat...

I know it has a lot to do with being indoors with cold, gray weather. It almost seems that being stuck somewhere inherently makes where you are less interesting. And by Monday I'd had enough of our vicious cycle.

I told Aaron we were going on an adventure that required winter play clothes. We suited up and drove away from home (getting away from home was integral to the success) for an adventure in the woods. I felt nervous going to the "real woods," without more adults, so we went to an area across town that has woods near the neighborhoods. We explored through a small wooded area, climbed over a creek with ice, followed animal tracks, saw deer pee (what 4 year old boy doesn't delight in spotting deer pee?) and had some fresh air. We went from there to a nearby park to explore more. We saw bugs walking on snow, a loose dog and even landed in soft snow at the bottom of some park slides!

It was the perfect break from our bleak indoor frustration. And while we did have some whining and crabbiness on our drive home (some of which was mine!) we had a clean slate from which to start again. I'm so glad we live in such a beautiful area. The beauty of God's world is out there for the looking, and sometimes it takes a little frustration to get out there and delight in it! I can't wait for it to snow more!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! This will be a memory that you and Aaron will tuck away and recall someday with full hearts. I think winter is so challenging with little ones because of being inside so much. Good job on getting out together in the cold weather!
