Thursday, January 6, 2011

Are you fooled?

Bedtime is a challenge at our home. Anyone who knows our four year old, Carmie, can understand. His big brown eyes and ornery smile sums up his whole personality! Carmie has every excuse not to go to sleep. He needs a drink. He has to pee. He needs his back scratched. We hear the whole list of reasons. But last night he tried a whole new line...

We started at 8 to put him to bed. We had prayer time, story time and even bathroom time. By 8:30 we had the drink of water, extra talking and so on. About five minutes after the last warning of going to sleep, it happened. Carmie stood at the top of the step and yelled down "Will you always be in my heart no matter what?" Well, of course, the mother side came out. I went up the steps and gently picked him up. The kisses came and his smile was ear to ear. I explained that no matter where or what we would love him. He simply replied "I knew that! But can you scratch my back it itches!" He got me again!

When I sat for my quiet time, I thougt how I try this same technique with God. Scripture tells us we should ask God directly for what we need and want. (that doesn't mean we will always get it!)It also says that we have blessings in Heaven that we will not recieve because we don't ask. How sad for us! You see God isn't fooled like I am. God know before we even ask him what our true intentions are.

What do you need to ask God for today? Is it guidance in a matter such as finance, spiritual, or even small decisions. It it time management? Whatever it is, I hope you understand that God wants to be asked!

~Donna Galderisi


  1. This was a great post, Donna! I really am thinking now about what I need to ask God for today. I think most importantly I need clarity about his will above mine. I often think that my will IS his will and need to be more sure in each circumstance. He's not fooled by me!

  2. What wisdom. I love the idea that I can just outright ask God. He doesn't want me to come timidly or worried or even trying to manipulate my desires from Him. He just wants me to come and ask. Thank you.
