Friday, April 8, 2011

Just two months ago...

Just two months ago, I believe, there was snow on the ground. I was very happy about that. I know because I remember getting not nice comments on my FACEBOOK page when I would post, "Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!"

You will all be very happy to know that I no longer sing that song.

It seems some are never perfectly happy with the weather.

A perfect weather day for me is a temperature in the high 70's.

I happen to LOVE the rain. I think it's pretty amazing how our Creator created the Four Seasons. When you think about it can really blow your mind. How everything works together and one season depends on the others.

Rain something I never tire of. When Brenna was born, I wanted her middle name to be "Rain." For some odd reason that got vetoed! True story. = ) I love the snow, but when it's time for spring, the snow needs to be done. I never feel the rain nees to be done. I do not care for those loud things that sometimes accompany the rain.

To start off my thankfuls today, I am thankful for rain!

Spontaneous lunch playdates at McDonalds

Great doctors who love what they do and you walk away feeling comforable and secure in their decisions.

A very high mohawk on a very cute little boy.

8 baby chicks

That today is FRIDAY, and I don't work again until Tuesday!

That today is FRIDAY, and I get to spend the ENTIRE weekend with my family.

In the days that are hard and I have to really, really, count my blessings and it doesn't take long to realize.. "I've been blessed beyond measure, and by His grace alone I overcome!!"

Writers who write amazing songs like the one above.

What makes your list today?!

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