Tuesday, April 12, 2011


What's in a name... Share with us why you chose the name (s) of your children?


  1. When I found out we were going to have our first, I started looking for names.
    I found "Brenna" pretty quickly. I cannot remember if I found it online or in a baby book. I remember I really liked the definition of her name - Raven, Dark-haired. I believe the name is Irish? Anyway...I have always loved words/names like Raven, Ebony...but never felt like "YES" that's the name! So I was very excited when I found the beautiful name of Brenna and I still LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

    Ethan, was Alex's choice. I did not LOVE IT at first. It was just a random, " I like that name" type of choice for Alex. We now found out that it is a Hebrew name and it means "Strong One". Don't think there could have been a more appropriate name to describe our son.

    Of course I have other names "on deck" just in case...but those may have to end up in novels.

  2. I wrote a children's book as part of my course work. The main character was Abigail. Chris thought it would be a great name for our little girl. I didn't because I didn't want her to be Abby. But she is Abigail through and through and though I wanted her to always be Abigail, she so needs to be Abby (reminded that things aren't always so serious.) Incidentally the day after we picked her name, I heard on the radio that it means "Joy of her father." I almost cried with my own joy over that.
    I chose Simon. We talked about Samuel, the antagonist in the same children's book, but couldn't agree on a middle name. Simon Christopher worked so much better. I can't think of a better name for him. It means "God who hears".
    It is amazing the way our choice of names prior to our knowing what they mean has really captured what God is doing at that time in our lives. Chris was going though, or recovering from depression when we named Abby and having a healthy pregnancy was such a prayer of ours with Simon. Their names have really become reminders of His faithfulness.
    Great question, Jen.

  3. Aaron's name was chosen by Ed. I left the final decision of his name up to Ed because he is a "3rd" and I wanted to give him the freedom to pick "Edwin Stanton the 4th" if he needed to. Although that choice was not my favorite, I didn't want to mess with his family lineage if he wanted to keep it going. However, Ed was running one day and the Lord bought the name Aaron to his mind. He really liked it and we found out it means "mountain of strength".

    I didn't know until the day of his birth for sure whether Aaron was going to be an Aaron or an Edwin! Whew... but my son is such an Aaron, and not an Edwin Stanton the 4th. So glad Ed listened to the Lord!

    His middle name is "Jay" which was my Dad's middle name. I think it flows well :-)

    I liked this question!

  4. Great question!
    We chose Bella b/c it means "beautiful" in Italian. We knew no matter what she looked like she'd be beautiful. We also wanted something different. With Jason and Amanda both being in the top 5 names the year we were each born, we didn't want our kids to go through the same annoyances we did. (having 3 or 4 other kids in your class with YOUR name)Little did we know Twilight would come along and ruin that.

    Benjamin. Son of the right hand. We had named Benny "Vincent" until just before he was born. We wanted to stick with the Italian theme and Vincent means victorious or to conquer. We really liked the strength of that name. However, when we were doing devotions we came across the tribe of Benjamin. It grew on us very quickly. Son of the right hand... sounds good to me! My dad called him Vinny for a couple months, but he's got it straight now.

    Georgia was my great grandmother's name. I always liked it and Gia matched Bella and Benny perfectly! Jason didn't like it. He wanted to name her Jayden Mackenzie, but I DO NOT like that name.

    John was easy. If Gia was a boy, she would have been John. John Tucker was Jason's great grandfather. And with a meaning that says "God is gracious" who wouldn't like John?! And of coarse, it sounded good with the other names.

    #5 is beginning to cause a problem. We want a good name that sounds nice with the others. Something not popular, but not weird. I'm rooting for Samuel or Sophia (even tho Sophia is very popular right now... I just love it!) Jason is stuck on Oliva. (like the talking pig) It's not for me.

  5. I also love this question! I enjoyed reading all of your responses. I'm supposed to be cleaning house so I will try to share a little very quickly! Christy Joy was a name we liked and we wanted her to be a joy to Christ and bring Christ's joy to others. So cool to watch this happening in her life! We thought of Esther as a girl's name for Lisa, but didn't think Esther and Christy went together! Lisa is from Elizabeth and means "Consecrated to God". We saw this come true in her life as she was so passionate for God! Her middle name is Marie just because we thought Lisa Marie went so well together. We had no idea until after we used the name that Elvis Presley had liked that combination, too! Ha!

    Our boys are all named for Bible characters. Won't go into all the details but I pray for them verses from the books of the Bible their namesakes authored. It's very meaningful! Six weeks before Paul was born, my brother and his wife had twins and named one of them Paul. We were glad they didn't mind us still going with our original name choice. The two Pauls (as well as the other twin, David, and a younger brother, Stephen) are all at Grove City College together!

    Amanda, we have dear friends with a 25 yr. old Sophia and I have always loved that name! It means wisdom! (I believe that is Greek - "sophomore" means "wise fool" - ha!)
