Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I forgot that it was my turn to blog yesterday!
I think I was getting TOO pumped for the "Amazing Race 15401!"

"oh what fun it is to ride in Neely's Chevrolet...HEY!"

For those that were not able to make it to MOPS last night, we had a GREAT time!!

After MOPS was over a few of us hung around and got to talking. Our conversation sparked an idea for a question...TWO parter!

Name three positive things about your husband?

Why do you compliment each other?


  1. I think sometimes (as one mom mentioned last night) you really need to go into the closet and make a list of why you love your spouse. (I'm quite sure my husband has to do this more frequently than I do!) Let's be honest here...marriage is HARD and it's WORK!

    Three positive things about Alex:
    1. His sense of humor
    2. He is a very fun Dad!
    3. He is very good with finances

    I think we compliment each other well. Alex is the goofball, funny man, yet responsible, mature one.
    I am the "anything goes", too laid back for my own good, dreamer, spends money like water, free spirit kind of person.
    I think we balance each other well. There are many times that we don't, but for the most part...we usually do!
    Alex can reign me in ( I usually don't like that, but it's needed. It's amazing how that works!) and I can encourage him to not be so "responsible!"

  2. Three positive things about Chris
    ::he is a hard worker::
    ::he makes me laugh::
    ::he thinks about people::
    I don't often think about the way we compliment each other but I know we work well together.
    He is black-and-white. I see all sorts of colors and shades of gray.
    He keeps me centered on Truth and I keep him aware of the people in the situation.

    You're right marriage is hard and becoming the one that God intended us to be is work, but there isn't another I would be doing this hard work with.
    I am so honored to be his wife.

  3. 1 I love Ed's work ethic, he's always doing something or is always willing to do something for me or the house or our son
    2 I love his sense of humor
    3 I love his legs!

    We compliment each other because I think things out to a degree and then am impulsive. He thinks things out to a degree and hesitates. We work well together that way. He is able to be the dad who goes on instinct very well, while I'm the mom who gets my mothering ideas from a book and do "fairly well" that way.
    I'm the dreamer, planner, organizer. I make things happen and he comes along for the ride. It's a good mix!

  4. I would believe this if there wasn't a cheater here.
