Friday, February 25, 2011

It has been a sad few days (that may continue for some time) for many people that we know and love. A motorcycle accident took a young man home to be with the Lord.

When things like this happen, it seems that it always forces you to put "things in perspective". I can't help but wonder (and I am very guilty of this), why we don't live like that daily? Why don't we embrace every moment with our child? Why don't we cherish the moments spend with our parents, siblings, cousins?! Why don't we go and visit the person we have been promising to? Why don't we send that card or buy that gift - just because?! I know there are times when we simply cannot do things we desire to in our hearts. Children need raised and raised properly with discipline and love. Children get sick. Jobs get lossed. Parents need help. Relationships are not easy. Life is difficult. I believe all of us have time to show how much we care for someone. We just have to want to make it happen. Turn off the TV and go through the effort of loading the kids in the car to go visit family or friends. Make an effort.

I am not saying that if we do those things and "live everyday like it's our last" and that every time we leave the presence of someone we love that we shower them with kisses, hugs, and words of endearment, (Some of our friends may start to worry about us every time we part we are kissing them and such?! "Jen may need some help." ) that it's not going to make a loss any easier. You know what, maybe it will?

Just think, if we took up some of our spare time to spend it with those we loved and by doing so we filll our heads and our hearts, with joyous moments and wonderful memories then maybe there wouldn't be much room for worry and fear?

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?"

~Matthew 6:25

Today I am thankful...

In the midst of tragedy seeing His peace and love in those hurting the most.

The Love and comfort of many that is surronding dear friends facing this loss.


Five year old boys that say the cutest things - ever!

Faces that light up when given a sticker! A sticker!

For Josh...

1 comment:

  1. I heard someone on WORD-FM talking the other day about how they might do XYZ for the first 15,000 years in heaven and then he might try something else for the next 15,000 years etc. It really hit home with me that the blip of time that we are here (as compared to the time we will have in eternity) is so short and that we should really enjoy and not fret while we are here. Life isn't easy but it is short here on earth :-)
