Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thankful Friday

The brief preview of spring this week has reminded me again how much I love the changing seasons here in beautiful Pennsylvania. There are great aspects of winter - the beauty of the snow, the coziness of my home, the comfort of hot soup and hot cocoa, and the celebration of two hour delays and snow days. However, I'm feeling quite ready to move on to a new season! Soon there will be longer walks outside, lighter jackets, more sunshine, budding trees and plants, and meals cooked on the grill! And springtime brings Easter, the celebration of Jesus' resurrection and the hope we have that death will be vanquished and all tears will be wiped from our eyes. I'm thankful that God allows nature all around us to remind us of Him and His greatness.

I'm also thankful for good books! Although my time to read is limited, I'm happy for even a few minutes sitting in bed or in the tub with a book open. I love that there are people who are so smart and creative and write such great stories! Have you read anything lately by Francine Rivers, Randy Alcorn, Philip Yancey or Elizabeth Elliot? Their stories and writings on the Christian faith have had a tremendous impact on me through my adult years. As a child, my favorite author was Patricia M. St. John, whose stories introduced me to unforgettable characters in countries where I've never been. The book I have read over and over that always has something new and applicable to my life is the Bible. The best part about reading the Bible is getting to know the Hero of the book, Jesus Christ!

My thankful list could go on and on, but I have to mention the people in my life - friends, family, church family and coworkers. To top off all of these wonderful relationships, I now have a darling grandson, who has completely stolen my heart! He is a constant reminder to me that it is the people in our lives who are our greatest treasure!

I'm also grateful that Friday means the weekend is beginning and there will be more time to relax and spend time with the people I love!

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