Sunday, February 20, 2011

But do you KNOW Him?

Pastor Jack from Cherry Tree Alliance Church preached a 6 week series on prayer and how it is the primary work of God's people. He posed the question several times in those 6 weeks "You may know ABOUT God, but do you KNOW God?" This struck quite a chord within my heart.

I'm not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to Bible facts, nor am I the Verse Memorization Princess of 2011. However, I know enough to know that I can hang with a "Christian-y" conversation pretty well. Four years of Christian school Bible Class, (including what felt like eons of Chapel Wednesdays) taught me plenty. I've also learned much from books I've read, local Christian talk show programs and very bright, interesting pastors. I've read the Bible and spent a lot of time praying. I've been a youth pastor, a Sunday School teacher and so I guess I could answer "Do you know ABOUT God?" somewhat confidently.

However, that question of "Do you not just know ABOUT him, but do you KNOW Him?" was timely and important for me. This is not to say that I've faked my beliefs, but it seems that lately I've been on Christian autopilot. Jesus and I we were kind of on "hiatus" in the heart-connected relationship department, if you will. (read: my polite way of admitting that I was not reading my Bible or praying much).

During a 3 week fast challenge that our pastor put out to the congregation, I decided not to fast per-se, but to eliminate my extracurricular reading. No magazines at breakfast or books at night, and I put down my new e-reader. For three weeks, I was reading only the Bible and praying. Wow, what a difference that has made! I've had a lot of fun becoming familiar with the different Bibles I have laying around and what they have to teach me. I've felt closer to the Lord in the past month than I have for a long time. My prayers feel more natural and connected and I feel more open to His leading.

I say this, not to praise myself (for it was not my doing, but the Holy Spirit's lead. I was the one who had been reading my "get organized magazines" every morning and am still not organized!), but to encourage others that a willing heart and an open Bible are a great combination for rebuilding a relationship with Him.

I had been telling myself lately "I don't know that I totally understand the Bible when I read it", but I do if I take the time and am patient and interested through my reading. Reading about Christ in books and hearing about Him on the radio pales in comparison to reading about Him in his Word!

Are you in need of a jump start in your relationship with Jesus? If so, try committing to a small time period where you focus just on Him. Eliminate something in your life and spend that time learning about faith, trust and hope that the Lord gives us in his Word... the Bible can become addicting!!


  1. Great perspective! Just reading the Bible was my method for being close to Him in a very dysfunctional church as a kid. Sometimes I find myself in a functional church wishing for less study and the adolescent who was just reading the Bible and writing in a journal. We can't underestimate the power of the Spirit.

  2. I'm quite late on this comment, but just read your blog and wanted to thank you for your honesty. I'm so glad that you have been intentional about spending time in God's Word! Once we get into it our hunger for it seems to increase and we love the Bible more and more! Thanks for sharing!
