Friday, March 4, 2011

Thankful Friday...

I’m sitting and watching the sunrise over the mountains from my son and daughter-in-law’s patio window. He is off to a youth conference in Chicago and she is off to her teaching job at a local high school and today is my day to have their darling baby all to myself! No wonder the sunrise is looking especially beautiful to me today! Since I didn’t bring my regular Bible study along, I reverted to the randomly opening your Bible strategy, except I always turn to a psalm. Just as the light started to shine through the clouds, I was reading…

"Praise the Lord. Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord. Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.” (Psalm 115:1-3)

It is verses like these that bring all the varied events of the week and my jumbled thoughts back to a more focused perspective. Although life may feel very out of control and very fragile, God is here. The eternal God who is always the same, the One from whom every good gift comes, and the One who promises that He will never give us more than we can bear.

My heart is still reeling from the sudden loss of a 22 year old young man who was a dear friend, particularly to two of my children who have been recalling special memories of youth group and youth retreats during their teenage years. The shock and sadness wrenches the heart but then God’s peace once again washes over it all, soothing and calming, as only He can do. As author, Nancy Guthrie says in her book, Holding Onto Hope, it is praise that comes from a broken heart that is especially precious to God.

It isn’t just the tragedies of life that mess with my soul, though. I can get downright troubled in spirit over just about anything that comes my way that doesn’t fit into my predefined idea of what is good for me! As a young mom, it was discovering that one of my kids was coming down with yet another bug, finding out that one of my little angels had done something naughty, or just standing in the laundry room or kitchen and wondering how I was going to dig out of the mess! Though some of my issues have changed a bit, I still need God’s gentle reminders that He knows what He is doing and He is right there to help me. “I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” (Psalm 16:8). Today as I dote over a sweet baby boy, I want to honor God by giving Him all my praise! In the difficult spots, I will keep a quiet heart and trust that He knows best.

Thankfulness list…

Great visit with our son and a friend during their spring break last weekend.

Our daughter also came to visit from NC, so it was a full, happy house.

Our son-in-law, Aaron, is due home from Afghanistan in 10 days!

Spring is on the way!

The fun of peeking in on my little grandson and hoping he will hurry up and awaken! (The latter identifies me as his grandmother, not his mother!)

A nice husband at home, willing to get our “baby”, Peter, up for high school, so I could leave the house so early!

~Joy Herman


  1. Thank you for a beautiful post today Joy.
    Touched me.

    Today I am thankful for...

    No place to go tonight. I am even thankful that I requested this, so that I could stay home and catch up on many, many, many things!

    Even though they aren't always the outcome you wanted, I am thankful for answered prayers.

    Gene & Boots chocolate

    Making memories

    Blankets - of the heated variety and the non-heated variety!

    That I am seeing GREEN (tinted a bit with but brown but STILL GREEN!) in my backyard!!!

  2. Okay..."the but brown" in my last sentence. Yeah...typo!

  3. Joy, thanks for the reminder to praise always.
    Jen, I don't know Chris has a butt brown shirt (the one from the newlywed game).

    Today I'm thankful for
    projects that they help with
    frogs for her and cars for him
    neighbor friends
    being outside
    the sounds of Barbies being bathed
    a good book
