Monday, February 14, 2011


I totally forgot that I was supposed to post Friday. And today, I got caught up in the taxes and care of two littles and one sick big one. Feeling crummy myself, I forgot that I was supposed to post today, too.

I knew the basic outline of what I planned to say. To speak of the great God I serve. The one who can, who does, create it all and holds it all in the palm of His hand. Unflinching, fingers spread. The only things I can hold in the palm of my hand are inanimate! He holds spinning, swirling galaxies and scurrying ants and rebellious people.

I knew next I wanted to write of those palms etched with the names of His followers, marked with the scars of nails. Proof of love.

We were talking of it in Sunday school. The way in light of all that God is and all that He's created, we are really rather insignificant. But for the palms with names and scars! You see, it is God's love that grants us our significance. I am significant because I have been created by the hands of the one who places planets in their orbits and names the stars. I am significant because He saw my need and He came to my rescue. I am significant because of the scars and the etchings on His palms.

I am significant in love. And I grant significance to others through love.

I pray tonight, in this late night post, stumbling instead of eloquent, that you will find significance in the love of the God who holds galaxies in His nail scarred hands.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Sarah! I so appreciate this reminder of God's infinite greatness. It is truly amazing that He cares so much for us and that we are significant to Him. I'm going to meditate on this in the coming days.
