Friday, February 11, 2011

The Simple Things...

I am thankful for:

A cat named Dewey who comforted both of my sick children this week by snuggling them the entire time they were camped on the couch. One Monday & Tuesday the other Thursday and Friday. I believe he even found the time to snuggle up my husband who filled in the sickness gap on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Currently everyone's seems healthy again (just a little fatigue going around)!

Smiles on faces

Anticipation of a good night's sleep

Lysol Spray

Lysol 4-n-1 Cleaner

Pine Sol




1 comment:

  1. I'm thankful for:
    • Advil (can't wait for it to start working on my head!)

    • Giant Eagle
    • My warm house!
    • My husband, who painted our bathroom and it looks sooo much nicer
    • My two college classes which are very interesting
    • My great friends!

    Jen- I love that the last things on your list were all cleaners!! I know y'all were sick, but you're funny!
