Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mommy &'s getting deep in here!

It's a chocolate chip cookie for breakfast kind of day!

Sometimes you need one of those. I think the kids do too! Actually, the kids are the ones having the cookies for breakfast. I better not. You know I will though, with a nice cup of tea.

Parenting has gotten pretty "deep" the past few weeks. What I mean by "deep" is H A R D! Questions that I never thought would come out of the mouths of my children. How do I answer them?! My children are 6 and 5 ...when did they start to THINK like bigger kids?! When did they stop being toddlers?!
Oh and the attitudes! I remember before I was a mother, observing other mothers and children and knowing 'my child will NEVER act like that!' And 'can you believe they are letting them act that way?!!'

On this "Mommy & Me Thursday", I am going to take each question that comes my way with a prayer. Each attitude that creeps it's ugly head I am going to take with the knowledge that it is NOT only my child that needs to learn through this, but perhaps even more so it's ME that God is trying to teach.

Last night we had Family Game Night. We try and do one thing each week that is special. We alternate between Game Night, Movie Night, or going somewhere and doing something special. Cell phones and computers are off. It's wonderful! We bowled last night, Daddy won.
There is so much joy just spending time with your family and your family alone. We loved watching our childrens faces and become aware ONCE AGAIN, that they are NOT babies anymore. We need to cherish the moments, while doing the hard job of raising them to be who He wants them to be!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, parenting IS tough!! "Let us not go weary....
    But those family times are wonderful, aren't they? Just last night we all walked in the woods and in the creek together. Our 2 yr. old, Elim, woke up this morning and said, "Walk in wood and water??" Priceless:)
