Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Question Tuesday

Simon walks over carrying a book.

Book. Book. He says as he bangs it off my knee.

I've read them a hundred times before. Abigail has them memorized. I love the feel of little bodies curled up next to me learning to love words. Watching them sit with a book telling the stories over to themselves.

Abigail and I are working on phonics. She reminds me often that she can't read, implying that she needs to learn. Soon she will have the stories at her fingertips.

I'm a reading mom.

What's your favorite book and where do you read?


  1. Since I've gotten a Kindle, I've been reading all over! On the exercise bike, on the couch, on the bed. I don't have a favorite book (except the Bible!) but lately I've been enjoying reading Lysa Terkeurst's "Made to Crave" ...tough stuff!

  2. I don't really have a favorite grown-up book, but I have a different favorite for each of my children. Bella from the time she was 2 has enjoyed "Joseph had a Little Overcoat" by Simms Taback, a story that reminds us "you can always make something out of nothing". Ben enjoys "No David!" by David Shannon, a book that reminds him no matter what he does, Mommy will always love him! Gia and I love Pinkalicious! Girly girls that we are, we love reading about an ornery little gal that turns PINK! Johnny boy love to read "Nursery Rhymes" by Kate Toms. He giggles in delight each time I turn the page! We are also a reading family, and I love that about us. =)
