Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Laundry Question Tuesday

With all the sunshine lately and thoughts of warmth and spring, I am waiting to get to one of my favorite laundry chores--hanging the clothes on the line. We have a clothes line on our deck (which we take down for events) and after the load washes out we all go. The sun and the air do wonders for the clothes. I love the smell!

What is your favorite part of this household chore? Are you a drier-drier or a hanging-drier?


  1. I have never attempted drying clothes on the "line."
    But on occasion I do hang things on hangers to dry.

    My favorite thing about doing laundry is when it is ALL DONE and put away and the only things that are dirty are the bedsheets on the beds and the clothes on our backs.

    It happens once in awhile and I love it!

  2. I love the warmth of the clothes when they come out of the dryer on a cold day. As I fold the clothes, I pray for the person whose item I'm folding! It makes me chuckle as I fold a pair of underwear and say, "God bless..."

    You are inspiring me to get with it and hang some kind of clothes line this spring. My mom loves hanging out clothes and when I visit I often help her fold them. I do love the fragrance and the crispness, especially with bedsheets.

    I agree, Jen, getting it all put away is cause for a celebrations!

  3. I like folding laundry and the sense of accomplishment it gives me! It gives me a lot of time to think (and sometimes pray!)

  4. Oh, I do love to hang our laundry outside, as well. I was just thinking of that on Tues. when my son and I were out getting wood for our outdoor furnace. I'm longing for the warmth and sun to come and StAY for a time!!
    My favorite part of this chore is when my children help me "from the heart".
