Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Question Tuesday...

Road Trip Question

I was recently talking with a friend about how I don't mind going somewhere by myself because I love the quiet time. On my recent 3 hour trip, I listened to a book on CD, sang along with praise music and said prayers for my kids. I also packed myself carrots, celery with peanut butter, pretzels, etc. in case I got sleepy! On the way home late at night, I stopped at a Starbucks for a passion fruit tea. If you have been on a road trip, how do you like to spend the time in the car? Or if you haven't been able to get away without the kids, what would you enjoy on your dream road trip without kids?

~Joy Herman


  1. What a FUN question Joy!

    I LOVE road trips! With or without kids! Truly!

    Before kids I use to do many! My favorite part about a road trip was hanging out with whoever was with me. A friend and I use to go many places together and she enjoyed Books on Tapes as much as I did so other than talking we would listen to stories.

    I may be going on a road trip with my cousin and May and I am looking forward to spending alone time with her and having a great time listening and singing to music - as we are planning on going to a concert!

    I love road trips with my kids too! Even though they aren't as patient as I'd like. But I love seeing the car filled with toys and books and movies and snacks and laughter!!!

  2. I always enjoy solo road trips! I don't get much alone time. So, when I'm able to get a ride alone I truly cherish it. I really enjoy cranking up the music and singing as loud as I can. It's wonderful to not hear "Mommy, turn on the monkey song again!!" (for the 526,383 time)

  3. LOL Amanda! "TRUE THAT!!" = )

  4. On my short road trips alone, I, usually, do NOT turn on the radio. I prefer the silence:)I talk to the Lord, and sometimes I'll make a phone call, but, NO, I do not text when driving!! LOL
