Monday, March 7, 2011


I apologize for the delay in my blog post today. I have a few very good reasons for this delay.
  1. Ethan (can you blame me? Look how adorable he is!)
  2. Brenna
  3. Had to make phone calls to find logs for my house.
  4. An unexpected visit from our friend/contractor
  5. Made reservations for our week away in May
  6. Laundry
  7. Working on MOPS stuff for Tuesday.
  8. Emails (haven't checked them in awhile)
  9. Quiet time
  10. Mommy duties
  11. I better stop, because my list could grow QUICKLY. My, how busy today was!
I am just curious what each of our individual “lists” would look like on any given day. We should try that sometime. Life is BUSY.

I am not a morning person. Sometimes I think life may not "seem" so busy if I were one. Have never been, doubtful I ever will be. I use to think I would become one when I "grew up." I remember saying “When my kids go to school I will wake up at 6am, take a jog, hit the shower, and have a delicious breakfast ready for them every morning when they wake up!” Ha! Honestly, I STILL believe that is going to happen someday for me. Will power!! I admire and applause all of you that have that morning routine, or a similar one.

I have become better with mornings, but still do not like them. Difficult at times, when most of the others living in your house can't wait to get out of bed!

This morning driving Bren to school I couldn’t believe how fast the morning went. We were up at 7, did our morning routine and walked out the door at 8:20 for school. It truly flew this morning. The rest of the day quickly followed suit.

Time! Time! Time! Busy! Busy! Busy!

The first two bullets on my list are my favorite reasons for not blogging earlier. I was ENJOYING time with my children. Ethan and I played Wii and hung out for most of the morning. We chatted, we laughed, we hugged, we kissed, we tickled. No it wasn’t all fun! There were moments of not obeying and dealing with those too. But it amazes me how quickly those moments have been forgotten. That isn’t always the case. Just goes to show you that this was a good day!

Once Brenna was home it was time for me to go to “school.” Miss Brenna is a very good, thorough teacher. I am learning how to put words in ABC order, add, and subtract. I even have homework!

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

~Philippians 4:4

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

~Psalm 118:24

Don’t kids just OOOOOZEEE that verse out in everything that they do?! They want that EXACT same ENTHUSIASM from you. I believe they don’t just want that when you play together but they want, they even NEED, to see that positive, happy, :"ooozeee" from you too! They want to know that you love this day and are rejoicing and are glad to be in it! After all God gave it to you…so REJOICE! Again I say REJOICE!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder to rejoice even on busy days! I like your comment about kids wanting us to be whole-hearted - "oozing" I think you said! So true that we want to be loved completely and passionately! What a blessing to our families when we love that way. And that's how we should love our Heavenly Father, too!
