Thursday, March 31, 2011

Five Minutes

OK Ladies,

It is confession time. I went to my homepage and saw nothing new on the MOPS blog and wondered who dropped the ball. Then I looked at the schedule and found that I dropped the ball. And now I must confess that I not only dropped the ball, but am looking blankly at the computer screen wondering what to talk about on this Mommy and Me Thursday.

Last night, Simon and I painted. For about five minutes he spread blue and red paint over five post cards. He discovered the difference between spreading and dotting the paint. He found the fun of accidentally dotting his mother and turned it into the fun of deliberately smearing his mother. After five minutes he was done; the trucks were calling him.

Typically, I don't think much of five minutes and had I known the amount of time he would spend on that activity I probably wouldn't have gotten out the stuff, honestly. I don't often use five minutes to connect waiting for more time. But last night was five minutes and it will be a forever memory.

I wonder what do you do with your five minutes to connect? Seriously, let us inspire and encourage one another. I need five minute ideas!


  1. When I'm baking, Aaron likes me to put some flour down on the counter for him to drive his trucks through. He likes to see the tracks it makes and it gives me some more time to work. We talk about each truck and what it looks like in the flour...I whip out the vacuum cleaner when it's over and it takes only a few minutes to clean up. Worth every effort each time, we love it!

  2. I am going to try that Wendy! Thanks!!!

    We like to play with "Oobleck." It's a mixture of cornstarch, water and food coloring. Mix to the perfection it looks like a solid but feelis like a liquid. It's SUPER fun to play with. We lay out wax paper and sometimes get figurines and have them get stuck in it and walk in it.

    Fun, on the mess scale...uh it's maybe a 5?! the beauty of it is that is is SUPER easy to clean up!

  3. Today my youngest two experienced with colored chalk. Addy had the small chalk board that can lay on a table, and I gave Elim some black construction paper. Together they "created" for about 5 minutes.

    Good old Play-Do a big hit for table time, also.
