Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's MARCH!!!!!

Today being the FIRST day of March ...

What are you looking forward to the MOST as we get these "spring like" days?!


  1. I'm looking forward to getting outside more with my son and playing in warmer weather! And the awesome smell of spring...and tulips...and the sounds of those little peeper frogs...and that onion smell that comes in spring...and longer days (yay for Daylight Savings!!!)...and, and, and... I LOVE SPRING!!!

  2. We have little crocuses coming up by our porch stairs. They will be in bloom tomorrow. I love the flowers. And going outside with a jacket. The birds are making a racket in the mornings.

  3. I'm excited to take more walks again and to not have to bundle up so much to stay warm.
