Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The other day I was in WalMart waiting in line for the Pharmacy. My cart was in the way for an elderly lady who was wanting to look at some thermometers, and so I offered to move. She suggested that I reach one for her instead, and she based her choice on the price she could see from where she was. Our conversation went something like this:

Lady: "Hand me that pink one that costs $7, would you?"

Me: (in a fun but ornery voice) "Ma'am, I could get that one for you, but it's an ovulation charting thermometer... are you charting your basal temperature?"

Lady: "Ha ha, wouldn't that be something?"

Me: "Well, I don't want to be assumptive... maybe you're wanting to start a family!"

Lady: "Wow, could you imagine, and 85 year old woman? I could make money from that! How about that blue one over there?"

I went out on a limb to joke with this stranger, but she just seemed like the type who had a sense of humor. I'm glad I ran with it as we both had a chuckle and left each other smiling.

Have you had any fun/silly/interesting/bonding/ embarrassing or otherwise notable conversations with a stranger lately? If so, tell us what you said!


  1. Last week my mom and I went to lunch at Ihop. We had an interesting waitress. Our conversation went like this:

    Waitress: (admiring how adorable my son John is hehe) Is he your first?

    Me: no...my 4th

    Waitress: Wow! You seem so young!

    Me: yeah. I started young.

    Waitress: My daughter's about your age. We think she can't have kids. She was living with a guy for 5 years and the only birth control they used was a condom. You know they weren't THAT careful. And sometimes you're spontaneous. So, I think she just can't get pregnant.

    Me: =O

    LOL It always amazes me how much strangers will share. That conversation gave me a good chuckle in the car. Not that her daughter may not be able to have children, but that her mother is sharing that with complete strangers! =)

  2. I am laughing! These are funny!

    The only interesting exchange coming to mind is checking out at Walmart.

    Me: How are you tonight?

    Cashier: I'm really tired. I've been having the worst nightmares lately. I had a dream that....

    She went on for quite awhile about the content of her latest nightmares. I was wishing one of my kids was with me so they could have a laugh with me about it! I really do care, but somehow having a conversation like that with a complete stranger feels so random!
