Friday, March 11, 2011

Thankful Friday!

It was 4:30am and my son yelled for me... "Moooommmmyyyy!!!" He wanted milk and to snuggle. I was already awake for some reason so I was prepared for a decent snuggling session- which is just what we had. He and I snuggled together while I rubbed his back, and he even rubbed mine a little while! It was one of those moments that will stay with me for a long time...

I read Joy's post above and realize that tucking in and spontaneous snuggles are not going to be requested forever, making them so sweet when they happen.

Today I'm thankful for:
  • A marriage conference held at church this weekend!
  • Sweet snuggle times
  • Seeing my niece performing in her high school play as one of the leads. She was amazing!
  • Mucinex
  • Puffs with Lotion
  • The hope that spring is just around the corner
  • Daylight Savings Time!
We all have much to be thankful for... what is on your list?


  1. We do have alot to be thankful for.

    Today for me...

    Ethan sharing (purposely) the many smiles that I love! "You like this one too, right mommy? SMILE"

    Friends safe in Hawaii

    Living in the US

    The caring heart of my son. Worried about a black dog we saw running on the road.

    A layed back Friday night


    Early bedtime

    My husband

    My toothless beautiful daughter

    A WORK FREE weekend!

  2. I'm a little late, but I wanted to say that I'm so thankful that my precious son-in-law, Aaron is now in the U.S.!!!! Hopefully Christy will be seeing him in around 12 hours. This is an answer to so many prayers!
