Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Non-food recipe!

This is another GREAT idea for an in-expensive handmade gift!

Candy Cane Bath Salts

1 cup of Epsom Salt (or you can use 3/4 cup of Epsom Salt and mix it with 1/4 cup of sea salt)

4 drops of peppermint essential oil

2 drops of red food coloring

optional: 2 drops of glycerin

You will also need: bowls, spoons, a funnel and glass jars

This recipe makes 1 cup of bath salts, so you may have to double, or triple it to fill the jar (s) you want to use.

Divide the Epsom Salt into two bowls. Add two drops of peppermint and two drops of glycerin (if using) into each bowl. Add two drops of red food coloring into one bowl, stirring to evenly distribute the color.

Begin alternating layers of red and white bath salts in a clear glass jar, using a funnel. Use the back of a spoon to tamp down salts and add more layers if need be. Tamping the salts also keeps the salt from shifting before it's used. Fill jar to the very top (to also ensure no shifting of the salt) and then place on the lid.

Get creative with the decorating of your jar! You could paint a design on the jar or cover the top with a pretty cloth tied with a ribbon. Attach a candy cane! Perhaps give a decorative bar of soap and a washcloth with the jar!

Don't forget to add a tag with directions: 1/3 cup of salts into a warm bath!


  1. I found a gift idea last year that was super easy and cheap!
    Buy jiffy pop, gently open the foil and remove the paper circle, trace it onto cardstock, decorate the cardstock with stamps or printable pictures for Christmas, and replace in the foil. Decorate the handle with some ribbon and you have a great gift for about $1!!

  2. These are both great ideas! Thanks!!
