Monday, November 22, 2010

Resting in Him today...

This past week, well I am now calling it "Genovese Germfest," (Sounds fun, huh?! Don't you want to stop by?! We've got colds, we've got flu, we've got congestion, we've got irritability, we've got diarrhea, we've got fever, seems we've got it all!) has been an exhausting one. Most of our vendors here have packed up and gone away. However, congestion still lingers and diarrhea who had left on Thursday evening, decided to come back this morning with a vengeance bringing along with him, sore throat and tummy ache.

You know when you are busy or distracted with something, that is when your children know they can take advantage of you?! You have your hands in pizza dough, the phone is ringing, you have water boiling on the stove, someone is knocking on the door and your child...your child knows this is the perfect time to ask to play with a sharpie! In your distracted state you say, yes. We all know what happens next.

Doesn't satan look for those same moments? I found a flea in my house on Thursday, right after Ethan had perked up and I was putting him in the shower. I HATE fleas in my house. We had to bug bomb on Friday. Did I feel like doing that after no sleep for 24 hours, nope.

It doesn't take satan long to discourage us. Sometimes we do it ourselves, we don't even need his nudges. My laundry is piled sky high, I have much dust and clutter. Brenna has had a cold for over a week. Alex and I are fighting colds. Then you add to it the everyday normal stresses of just being a mom, wife and person. It starts to make you feel, well just bummed.

Turning to Him takes the bummed away. Sometimes it's not as simple as saying a prayer. Somtimes it's saying multiple prayers, and then saying them again. Sometimes it's being quiet to listen to what He is telling you to do and doing it. Sometimes it's just resting in Him.

Sometimes for me, it's music. Music that reminds me of His love and mercy. That He allows satan to bug me to remind me that I need Him. That He is my All in All. That He takes my life and makes it beautiful. No matter what it looks like to others or feels like to me.

This song is what I have been listening to and I wanted to share...

Yep...Ethan is sick again...this post has taken much longer than any of you know to write ~smile~ (in between rushing to the bathroom and rubbing a hurting tummy) I am now closing down for the day...resting in Him and snuggling with my little boy. The laundry can wait, so can the dust...

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this song! Thanks for this! I woke up this morning at 3:00am and need some encouragement at work right now :-). Thanks for showing your human-ness and God's grace!
