Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Question Tuesday!

I'm starting to really dislike the words "Bucket List"... it seems like ever since the movie came out, you hear it everywhere! People are using that in place of the age old question "What are some things you'd like to accomplish before you die?" because it's faster to say, of course, but it's just so trendy...and so, I won't use the term BL here (although I kind of just did...) and just ask "What are some things you'd like to accomplish before you die?"


  1. Take a holiday on the Riviera with girlfriends -sit lazily on the beach sipping cool drinks... at 75! :-)

  2. "Kicking the bucket" is that why they call it a bucket list?! I don't like that reference of either.
    So...what I would like to accomplish in my lifetime...
    * to raise a loving family that follows Him. I want my children to know that it is okay to follow your dreams. I want them to live a happy, genuine, compassionate life that He is the center of. (Not sure if this is a correct answer to the question?)

    ** I want to have my name in print.Published print.

    *** Spend some time in Nova Scotia

    **** Invent disposable socks

    ***** Shine and make them wonder what I got

  3. I need to add one more...

    ****** Go on a holiday on the Riviera with Hannah and friends = -).

  4. I don't know if there is something I want to do. But I want my life to say something--she loved Him. and she loved others. I want to do whatever that looks like, and have a great time in the process!

  5. Oh, wait. I want a real honeymoon. (I had an appendectomy on our honeymoon and spent it in the hospital.) I want walks in the woods, and delicious food, and fun with my husband. Does anyone want to watch my children for a week?

  6. I want to make sure my children are appriciative,respectful,loving,compassionate,caring ect.I want Jesus and God at the center of their world!!I want them to be peace makers like their Daddy!!I know I have no control over it but I would hope that Ricky and I will get to live to see our Grand children and that my kids will not ever have to worry about the tings of this world and not being able to have babies or the heart ache of a loss/lost child!!
    Next,I want to travel and spend LOTS of time with my husband and continue to discover each other....I also want to have a REAL wedding and honeymoon!!*WINKS*to Sarah LOL

  7. I need to add another...

    Babysit a friend's children so she can go on her honeymoon and check something off of her list!

  8. I will help Jen watch them if you go on vacation, Sarah!!
    Something I'd like to accomplish before I die- I'm going to have my son's faith in Christ as an understood and get "world" focused here.
    I would like to run some kind of successful business before I die. Nothing huge, or fancy- just something successful from the ground up!

  9. wear disposable socks ;-)
