Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Don't Forget!!!!!

Tuesdays and Saturdays
Playdate at Areford Park
11am Bring a picnic lunch if you wish!
We will meet at McDonalds on
Route 40 if it rains!

Please keep a watch out for upcoming summer activities!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The clock ticks on...

The clock ticks on yet...our hearts seem to not want that change.
Whether we like it or not, it's going to happen.

Click on the link to my blog to read some more...

Friday, May 13, 2011

At Home

We are spending the day at home. I so want to paint, but with rain in the forecast for the next few days, the primer would stay sticky. We'll find something else to do. In the meantime, I will find joy in the things that have been marked off my list.
::cracky plaster has been scrapped off the ceilings::
::it wasn't as big an area or a mess as I had been anticipating::
::legs have been put on our bed::
(I just won't think about how unstable it is and how much they need to come back off)
::our bedroom has been rearranged::
::Abigail has declared her readiness to put her bed in a frame::
(my sister and I had matching frames growing up. 
she sleeps in my sister's bed when we stay with my parents. 
she has been known to fall out of that bed)
::distant thunder::
::birds singing defying the thunder::
::sleeping bags on the floor for stormy (physically or dreamily) nights::
::seeing Thor last weekend for our anniversary::
::looking back at the last 11 years--good and bad::
::knowing I'd spent them with the one person I am meant to spend life with::
::liking him eleven years later::

What is on your list today?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I forgot that it was my turn to blog yesterday!
I think I was getting TOO pumped for the "Amazing Race 15401!"

"oh what fun it is to ride in Neely's Chevrolet...HEY!"

For those that were not able to make it to MOPS last night, we had a GREAT time!!

After MOPS was over a few of us hung around and got to talking. Our conversation sparked an idea for a question...TWO parter!

Name three positive things about your husband?

Why do you compliment each other?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Life is Short...

The other day, I heard a neat message on Klove radio (it's a nation wide Christian radio station if you've not heard of it. Find your local station here!) about a very cool video that has recently been released by the David Crowder Band. The song is called "SMS Shine" and the video is a compilation of thousands of hours of Lite Brite Pegs put into a stop action photography story.

Apparently, the David Crowder Band, along with over 80 people helping from their church, spent thousands of hours making over 700,000 Lite Brite pegs turn into over 120,000 different photo frames for the story told.

Curiosity had the best of me, and I watched the video. The first time I saw it, I spent my viewing time in awe of the work that was done. And since it was so good, I had to watch it again... and this time I paid attention to the story. It blew me away.

Have a look:

Did you see it? Wasn't it cool how they incorporated things from outside the Lite Brite coming into the story? Isn't it neat how the whole band attended the wedding in the background? As a designer, I was just drooling over this whole video concept. Story wise, I already loved this song from hearing it on the radio, but watching the video was more than moving.

David Crowder posts on his own blog that this video about the hope and comfort that God can be in the midst of the worst possible aches. "God shares in the suffering of life and brings redemption for everything that is broken, and this revelation causes, no, demands, that those of us who have experienced and participate in this great rescue, display such a thing to those who live unaware of a balm, a fix, an answer to and for all that is bent." (read his whole story of making the video)

When I watch this, which I've found myself doing a lot lately. I am reminded of two things- one is how short life really can be. Even if we're not experiencing exactly what this family does, isn't even 80 years a short amount of time to be here? It doesn't take tragedy to send us to heaven, am I making a difference for Him while I am here? James 4:14-15 says "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”

The second thing I am reminded of is how amazed I am at the strength of people who seek refuge in the Lord through the toughest of times.

There is such a hope in Him! Proverbs 3:5-6 have been great verses for me to lean on these last few months of uncertainty in our lives:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.

I yearn to make my life so that my path is indistinguishable from His path for me. I want to to a better job of seeking Him during both the tough and the good times. I want to give him space to shine His light so I can see it and for him to hold me close so I can feel love, too.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Too cute...

Quote of the day...

Me: (as I am getting Pizza on plates) "What did you eat at Grandma's?"
Ethan: "Nothing. I just had a drink...( a 5 second silence) ... and Ice Cream."

Typing it does not do it justice. Alex and I had a very good laugh over that for a few minutes. It's a memory that will last a life time!

I love being a mommy!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

He Cares for You

I Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares for you."

How often I need this assurance - there is a place for me to take my anxiety and leave it! That place is with the One who cares about it even more than it do! No matter how many years I've been praying and seeing God do amazing things, I am still in desperate need of His help and comfort each day.

This is one of the first Bible verses I ever learned and it continues to have an impact on my daily life. Because I don't have to carry the weight of the world, I can have a light and thankful heart.

Today I am thankful for...

a Friday - one of my favorite days. The Carnegie Science Musuem is coming to do an in school field trip with our kindergarten class and I'm almost as excited as the students!

Mother's Day weekend - it is always fun to be appreciated and it is also a happy time as I think about my own mom and all she means to me.

the people God has given me - family and friends who make every day worthwhile. Our grandson, Liam, is a special joy in our lives.

answered prayer - first, God brought my son-in-law, Aaron back safely from Afghanistan. Now he has given Aaron and Christy a safe and memorable trip across the U.S. and back. What an amazing country we have.

a quiet heart - being able to clear my mind of all that weighs on me as I give it to Him. Then meditating on some promise of God that soothes and refreshes my soul.

"Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul. I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live." Psalm 146:1,2

~Joy Herman

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mommy &'s getting deep in here!

It's a chocolate chip cookie for breakfast kind of day!

Sometimes you need one of those. I think the kids do too! Actually, the kids are the ones having the cookies for breakfast. I better not. You know I will though, with a nice cup of tea.

Parenting has gotten pretty "deep" the past few weeks. What I mean by "deep" is H A R D! Questions that I never thought would come out of the mouths of my children. How do I answer them?! My children are 6 and 5 ...when did they start to THINK like bigger kids?! When did they stop being toddlers?!
Oh and the attitudes! I remember before I was a mother, observing other mothers and children and knowing 'my child will NEVER act like that!' And 'can you believe they are letting them act that way?!!'

On this "Mommy & Me Thursday", I am going to take each question that comes my way with a prayer. Each attitude that creeps it's ugly head I am going to take with the knowledge that it is NOT only my child that needs to learn through this, but perhaps even more so it's ME that God is trying to teach.

Last night we had Family Game Night. We try and do one thing each week that is special. We alternate between Game Night, Movie Night, or going somewhere and doing something special. Cell phones and computers are off. It's wonderful! We bowled last night, Daddy won.
There is so much joy just spending time with your family and your family alone. We loved watching our childrens faces and become aware ONCE AGAIN, that they are NOT babies anymore. We need to cherish the moments, while doing the hard job of raising them to be who He wants them to be!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Question for today...

If you could rid the world of one annoying thing (NOT a person, situation, or emotion - this is just for fun and giggles!) . . .

What would it be?!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Monday!

It is raining, but I think today is a beautiful day!

I wanted to share a verse with you today to ponder on this Monday, the day after Easter... His Resurrection.

Jeremiah 29:11
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Isn't it nice to know that someone knows your entire story from start to finish?

Isn't it a comfort to know that He knows every word, every exclamation point, every lull in your story?

That He knows the exciting parts, that parts that while you are living through them second by second, He is enjoying seeing your joy as much as you are feeling it? He is smiling right along with you?

That at the moments of great sorrow he is feeling your pain every second you are? That when you can't possibly understand why...He is patiently showing you to trust Him and one day He will tell you why this happened?

A friend and I we were talking about how frustrating it is sometimes NOT knowing what your future holds. (This lately, has been a recurring conversation in many peoples lives.) How stressfull it can be to know if you are making the right decision for your family.

I hope she doesn't mind me sharing something that she shared with me. Wise words from a man of God. I hope you find comfort in these words.

"While on the phone the other day, I asked him “Fr. John, don’t you wish you could just know what was going to happen in the end? Don’t you wish God would just make some kind of obvious sign to tell you how this is going to end?” He wisely said “No, I’ve come to learn that the Lord only gives me what I need to know for the next step because I can’t handle knowing it all at once.” Wow… he went on to tell me that because he’s an engineer by trade, he tends to like things to be neat and tidy. God doesn’t work in the neat and tidy. He said that if he knew the “end” instead of learning along the way, he would try to work his engineer skills to make a straight line from the here and now to the end needed.
He then told me about a time he had a conversation with another priest who told him this: “Look outside- look at everything with perfectly straight lines. A building, a street, a train track, a house and so on…they are all man made. Now, look at all of the things that God made. Nothing is perfectly straight. That is how God works”

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Missing my kids...

At 3am on Wednesday I was awakened with a pain in my stomach. Approx 1 hour later I was sick. The flu. I caught it from my boss.

I woke my husband (mainly to ask him to get up -because his side of the bed is a better place to be when you are sick - it's closer to the bathroom and you don't have to worry about hitting your head on the slope that is our roof like you do on my side), he quickly got me a bucket, wash cloth and then went away.
He called off work and took care of me, good care of me, over the next 24 hours.
He kept the kids away.
That part was hard for me. I miss my kids. I am still praying that no one else in my household gets this bug. It was pretty bad. I still ache and feel I was hit by a rather large truck.

I woke up this morning to the sounds of cabinets opening. Brenna was making us breakfast. That touched my heart. They both were so worried about their mommy.

Sometimes you don't think they get it. Sometimes you don't think they understand all that you do for them. And then you get breakfast.

Tomorrow is Good Friday. Tomorrow someone did ALOT for us. Are we going to live everyday remembering and knowing what He did.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Know Thyself

Yesterday, I shared about the book I was reading, A Family of Value, and the author, John Rosemond's, take on so much expert material available to us making us nervous Nellies as it were.

Well today, I want to share something that I learned about myself recently. It begins before recently. I like blogging and I like reading blogs. If you were to look at my MyYahoo page you will find quite a few blogs feeding their titles and first sentences to my desktop regularly. You would also find that most of them are not blogs of my friends or blogs of people telling anecdotes about their lives. Nope, those blogs are other women telling me how to be more intentional, or more professional in my motherhood.

Before these blogs, I would not have really thought about intentionality or professionalism or mission statements in relation to the way I go about my life. But these women do, so I must too! Or so I thought. In my thinking too much, I lost track of my very nature. I don't do well in the world of deliberate. I struggle in the land of planned. I find I can't breathe on the Island of professional motherhood.

Striving to do those things, in my life, takes my eyes off of the One who created me and these children and firmly on the list. So when things go wrong I don't roll with the punches well. And before intentional, professional motherhood with mission-statements, goals, and prioritized to-do lists entered my world I could roll having fun while doing it.

If you want to know the story behind the revelation and see a tree on my house, you can find it here.

Incidentally when I told Chris I thought it would be wiser for me (an education major) to buy planned curriculum for our homeschooling instead of planning it myself, he agreed. Saying I never imagined you a lesson-planning type of teacher. I must embrace it. Now for someone to tell my dear brother-in-law planning a weekend to see another brother-in-law graduate graduate school in six weeks. We have a place to stay. I'm good.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

On Thinking

So I'm reading a book, a parenting book. The author's premise is that we are nervous mothers as a rule because of modern psychology. It is an interesting read, John Rosemond's A Family of Value.

But that isn't what I want to start here (a debate about child-rearing, don't think so). My question for this Tuesday is. . . (drum roll)

Do you think we (as women with vast informational resources at our very finger tips) think too much about our lives?

It is something Rosemond brings up. That essentially our lives are made more difficult by the amount of expert-written material we have available because it makes us think too much about what we are doing. Thereby making us all wonder constantly if we are good wives and good mothers and good neighbors and, well, the list goes on.

What is your take?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Being an avid reader, I think everyone loves to read as much as I do. When, in conversation, I find they don't, I fear I may look at them as if they have just grown two extra heads right before my eyes. There is a quote I love, "The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid." - Jane Austen (Northanger Abbey) Okay, so that may be a bit harsh. It certainly isn't a true statement. It's just very hard for me to comprehend how anyone can not LOVE to read. My husband is one of those three-headed freaks! Reading is something that I started immediatley doing with both of my children. They both have their favorite books. It seems each year they each have a different favorite. I try and save those books and put them aside to give to them when they are older. Sharing something you are passionate about with your child, and then slowly realizing that they love it too...what a great feeling that is! Their love of books does seem to come and go a bit, but I am confident it is here to stay. Inspite of the 50-50 shot of them growing two more heads. Tonight, Brenna and I spent some time together snuggled on the chair reading the first chapter of a new "Chapter Book" that we got for her. Now being a big-time first grader, she really knows the adventure that awaits her in a book. Soon, very soon, she will be reading that entire book on her own, without my help, and not in my lap. I hope this Chapter Book never ends. . . I am still waiting patiently for the right moment to introduce Brenna to Anne (of Green Gables that is!). Not just yet. It will come at the right time, and when it does, another memory we can share together!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


What's in a name... Share with us why you chose the name (s) of your children?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Loving the man in my life -

When our darling grandson was born last October, I was completely smitten.  I confessed in a light hearted way to my husband of 30 years that for the first time in our marriage, I had fallen in love with someone else.  He laughed and said, "That's not true!  This has happened six other times in the past!"  He was referring to our six children and how with the birth of each of them, my maternal love was so strong that I was just a bit neglectful of our romance for awhile.

The first time I heard the parenting principle "The best gift you can give your children is to love your spouse", I remember pondering it for a long time.  That's a pretty strong statement, but it does makes a lot of sense.  What better gift can we give our kids than the sense of security a happy marriage brings to a home?  What more effective way is there to teach our kids love and forgiveness than to model it for them as parents?  What legacy can we give our kids that would be more meaningful than two parents who are completely devoted to one another?

Many principles like that make great sense, but it doesn't mean they are easy to live out from day to day!  Most of the time I am completely committed to living this principle.  My husband is an amazing person and he has loved me unwaveringly through the good and bad times.  There are, however, moments when I let tensions build up and the romantic feelings dip a little and it requires work to keep loving.  I am fully aware that it requires work on his part to keep loving me sometimes because I have days of the month when I don't even like myself!

At times when loving doesn't come as easily, the life giving words of Scripture infuse me with new strength and resolve.  One of my favorites is this passage from Colossians 3:12-14 -

Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.  Forgive as the Lord forgave you.  And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity."

I've said it before, but I just have to say again that the great thing about God telling us to do things, is that He is right next to us giving us all the resources we need to do them!   Jack and I have followed these powerful words as a couple through some very tough times and it totally works!  Sometimes we look at each other and our hearts are so full - God has brought us such a long way together and we really do love each other more deeply than we ever thought possible.

If you are still single and waiting for that man of your dreams, don't get caught up in looking for him.  Use all of your energy to become the person God wants you to be.  Pray for that man you are waiting for - that God will make him the person he should be.  Then be patient until God brings that person into your life.   My favorite verse I pray for my single friends is Psalm 84:11b, " good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless."  The word "blameless" here doesn't mean someone who is perfect; it refers to someone who is following Jesus, confessing her sin and not compromising in areas that would not please God.

If you have tied the knot and are faltering at times when the romance seems lacking (I don't think I have ever had to put as much effort into this as when we had babies and toddlers!), remind yourself what a gift you are giving your children when you persevere in loving that man of yours.  The benefits of sticking with each other may not always seem spectacular from day to day, but over the years you will see great rewards.  The wise One who created marriage smiles on us as we fulfill our vows and He gives us the love we need so we can give our kids the great gift of a mom and dad who are truly in love!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Just two months ago...

Just two months ago, I believe, there was snow on the ground. I was very happy about that. I know because I remember getting not nice comments on my FACEBOOK page when I would post, "Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!"

You will all be very happy to know that I no longer sing that song.

It seems some are never perfectly happy with the weather.

A perfect weather day for me is a temperature in the high 70's.

I happen to LOVE the rain. I think it's pretty amazing how our Creator created the Four Seasons. When you think about it can really blow your mind. How everything works together and one season depends on the others.

Rain something I never tire of. When Brenna was born, I wanted her middle name to be "Rain." For some odd reason that got vetoed! True story. = ) I love the snow, but when it's time for spring, the snow needs to be done. I never feel the rain nees to be done. I do not care for those loud things that sometimes accompany the rain.

To start off my thankfuls today, I am thankful for rain!

Spontaneous lunch playdates at McDonalds

Great doctors who love what they do and you walk away feeling comforable and secure in their decisions.

A very high mohawk on a very cute little boy.

8 baby chicks

That today is FRIDAY, and I don't work again until Tuesday!

That today is FRIDAY, and I get to spend the ENTIRE weekend with my family.

In the days that are hard and I have to really, really, count my blessings and it doesn't take long to realize.. "I've been blessed beyond measure, and by His grace alone I overcome!!"

Writers who write amazing songs like the one above.

What makes your list today?!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Poem...

I came upon this poem today, and I thought it was a perfect thing to share. It is a very old poem, but I really liked it. Made me smile. Hope it does the same for you.

Life's a Puzzle!

Mothers can do many things,
As little boys all know:
They can untie knots in strings,
Or make an Indian bow;

And they can patch a cut you've got,
Or pick a splinter out;
They can crack the hardest nut,
Or fry a rainbow trout.

A mother even seems to know
If you didn't wash your neck,
Or if you sneaked outside to go
Where she forbid, by heck!

And mothers bake the things you like
To eat the best of all!
They seem to know you broke your bike,
Or lost your brother's ball.

The only thing I want to know
Is how a mom so wise,
Can act so dumb by kissing me
In front of all the guys.

By Saxon White Uberuaga

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What matters MOST

Dear moms, As I get ready for bed feeling weary from a "full" day at home, I look up on my mirror at a card (send from a dear friend) that reminds me of what's important....what matters MOST. God sees our gentleness in the most trying of motherhood moments and faithfulness in the most routine tasks. What a comfort to know that He gives us all we need to be great Moms. It is a joy to share the motherhood adventure with you. "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Gal. 6:9 KJV Journeying Together, Lauren

Word Association!

I'm going to list a word, and someone else should say the first word that comes to their mind! Then, the next person will use the person above's word to write the first word that comes to their mind! Am I making sense? So, I'll say blah, and you read "blah" and think "blee" and then the next person reads your "blee" and writes "bloop!" (example, don't do that for real!)

Tell others to come on and contribute! I can not go on Facebook right now, but someone can! So to make this fun, please tell more people to come on today :-)

Ok here goes! My word is...


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Five Minutes

OK Ladies,

It is confession time. I went to my homepage and saw nothing new on the MOPS blog and wondered who dropped the ball. Then I looked at the schedule and found that I dropped the ball. And now I must confess that I not only dropped the ball, but am looking blankly at the computer screen wondering what to talk about on this Mommy and Me Thursday.

Last night, Simon and I painted. For about five minutes he spread blue and red paint over five post cards. He discovered the difference between spreading and dotting the paint. He found the fun of accidentally dotting his mother and turned it into the fun of deliberately smearing his mother. After five minutes he was done; the trucks were calling him.

Typically, I don't think much of five minutes and had I known the amount of time he would spend on that activity I probably wouldn't have gotten out the stuff, honestly. I don't often use five minutes to connect waiting for more time. But last night was five minutes and it will be a forever memory.

I wonder what do you do with your five minutes to connect? Seriously, let us inspire and encourage one another. I need five minute ideas!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Silly Question Tuesday...

You are on vacation at the beach with three friends. (Kids free, quick over night trip to the beach! Very spontaneous!).. Your husband agreed to this and has the children and is TRYING to give you that 24 hour break. TRYING! You start getting texts. What are the first 3 texts you get from him:

Monday, March 28, 2011

Struggling With Attention

The Friday night I kept saying I was going to read my Bible, but I never did. Last night, I did read my Bible before bed and then fell asleep before I said my bed time prayers. Why? Well, the first night, I was "too busy" and the second night, I was "too tired". These are legitimate statements... I really had a lot to do! And I really had had a busy day yesterday, and I was tired!

Do you ever have that happen?

Wandering from Christ is not abnormal for Christians. So many times I’ve had (as they say) “Mountaintop experiences” that leave me feeling so close to the Lord that when I converse with him I can almost audibly hear his voice. And yet, I wander away time and time again.

It occurred to me 2 weeks ago how this must be common for even the most Christ-seeking Christian. We were singing the awesome hymn “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” and and as I read the words, I realized that people have struggled with this forever. A stanza says this:

O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.

It’s human nature to be prone to wander. Old Dead Guys who wrote hymns from long ago did it… and I see it in my daily life. Why? When growing closer to the Lord is such an amazing feeling? When reading the Bible is such great stuff- such enriching guidelines for life, why stray from its focus? I don’t know, but I suppose that since Eve and Adam had their “I’m going to gain knowledge and wisdom” wandering at the beginning, we’ve been tugged like a rope back and forth. My will, thy will. My will, thy will.

I love Psalm 119. It really helps me to remember to remember His word and his promises. The whole Psalm is long- but it starts off in an amazing encouragement as to this struggle!

Psalm 1-8

Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the LORD. Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart— they do no wrong but follow his ways. You have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed. Oh, that my ways were steadfast in obeying your decrees! Then I would not be put to shame when I consider all your commands. I will praise you with an upright heart as I learn your righteous laws. I will obey your decrees; do not utterly forsake me.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring Regardless of the Chill

getting what we need for our garden fence
the nice young man who helped us
my brother-in-law who makes my sister so happy (the nice young man reminded me of him)
listening to Simon crow clukaddldooo
feeding cranky boys who will go to sleep when belly is full
the picture she colored for me
the way she asks her dad for baby chicks (not this year)
discussing ceiling fans and carpet with a very understanding man
checkmarks on the best to-do list I've made in a long time
knowing work builds character
going through new-to-us clothes
the Sermon on the Mount
taking things off my plate--another season perhaps?
the season's first rabbit after a squirrel at the birdfeeder

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A smile is like time tickin slow...

Mommy & Me Thursday

It seems I have reached yet another turning point in my motherhood.
My children test on a whole other level.

My youngest being 5, my oldest being 6. I definetly feel like I am in some type of in between "twilight zone." I still have my preschooler and I have my "I know!- picture eyes rolling as this phrase is said.-" first-grader.

Time is flying by.

Ironically enough this "zone" seems to be less bumpy and some how, more enjoyable. I laugh with my kids, they are funny human beings. I cry with my kids, they are senstive human beings. I am in awe of my kids, they are smart human beings. Sometimes a little too smart.

Time is flying by.

But you know what I have noticed seems to slow it down. Smiling. Yep, smiling.
When I see my children smile it's almost like I freeze. I just stand there and admire their beautiful smile. The smile full of teeth and the smile missing many. It's not only the smile that captures me but it's the pure joy that beams from their eyes when they smile. I also make a concsious effort to cherish whatever is happening at that moment that is causing such joyful eyes and unforgettables smiles.

Yesterday Ethan and I had many of those moments. We ran errands in town. Ate and played at McDonalds. Hugged and tickled. Played. Cleaned. I got a few random I love you's! It was such a good day.

It seems that we play ping pong all week. No not the game with a ball. The game with our emotions. One day is a fantastic one. He is happy, cooperative, he listens!The next he is this combative child who wants to pull out every ounce of patience I claim to possess, and only after he acheives this, he then chooses to cooperate. And no ladies, this is not because I won the battle of wills, it is because he did. Yes, there are days they win. That's how it works in this game of ping pong. Sometimes you miss the ball, sometimes you mess up. Sometimes you may the wrong move. I think that's when the ref. is called in. You have to pray for Him to get your attention. You always have His, He just doesn't always have yours. Perhaps maybe we should pray daily before the games begin, so we know that He is always there to advise us.

I have also noticed in this "twilight zone" that I am actually getting through to my children on some things. Some things are still very confusing for them to understand and very confusing for me to explain. You know like this question I got just today. Went a little something like this:

It Brenna: "Mommy why is the sky blue?!"

Me: "Well the sky is blue because it is a reflection... ummm, no wait the water is blue because it is a reflecting off of the sky.Ummmm, the sky is blue because...(I quickly take this moment to seem distracted and GOOGLE - HOLY explanation! Geez!The sky is blue beacuse of some light, molecules and gases. Yep super easy to explain!)because...the sky is blue because that is the color God chose it to be!" really does make for more enjoyable living!

Just today Brenna changed the hand towel in the bathroom because it was wet. I know that seems simple, but to me that was so responsible of her.
When she saw my smile of approval and heard my words of affirmation, she beamed right back at me. I bet time froze for her too. See it works both ways.

Time is certainly flying by.

This is a fumbled kind of post, but I hope that you all understand how much I have been genuinely enjoying the company and the challenges that being a mother brings. It is such an enormous, difficult, rewarding thing that has in some ways, become such a part of our identity that we loose sight of it all together. Why we are mothers. What are purpose is.

You know, even in my loss at the EPP, I couldn't help but be amazed, almost proud of his determination. As difficult as strong willed children can be, that is part of who he is.

During that "game", time didn't stand still. It couldn't go by fast enough. However, later after we worked through what happened - we had a chat - and we were having a good day again, there were smiles and I love smiles.

"A smile is like time ticking slow"

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The other day I was in WalMart waiting in line for the Pharmacy. My cart was in the way for an elderly lady who was wanting to look at some thermometers, and so I offered to move. She suggested that I reach one for her instead, and she based her choice on the price she could see from where she was. Our conversation went something like this:

Lady: "Hand me that pink one that costs $7, would you?"

Me: (in a fun but ornery voice) "Ma'am, I could get that one for you, but it's an ovulation charting thermometer... are you charting your basal temperature?"

Lady: "Ha ha, wouldn't that be something?"

Me: "Well, I don't want to be assumptive... maybe you're wanting to start a family!"

Lady: "Wow, could you imagine, and 85 year old woman? I could make money from that! How about that blue one over there?"

I went out on a limb to joke with this stranger, but she just seemed like the type who had a sense of humor. I'm glad I ran with it as we both had a chuckle and left each other smiling.

Have you had any fun/silly/interesting/bonding/ embarrassing or otherwise notable conversations with a stranger lately? If so, tell us what you said!

Monday, March 21, 2011


"A kindhearted woman gains respect..." Proverbs 11:16a

This nugget of wisdom leaped off the page as I was reading my Bible one day during my years with little ones tugging at me. Like Sarah, who posted last week about "being something and someone", I had my moments of wondering if my skills and gifts were being fully used. When asked "Why, Mommy?" fifty times a day, one's mental abilities get a work out, but it can be downright draining. During this time, my husband was teaching at a Bible college and seminary, imparting wonderful knowledge to his very receptive students. Several of our women colleagues were also professors, many with their doctorates. At our mission gatherings I felt like Susie homemaker, the one who brought the muffins and didn't have much to add to the conversation.

As I read that being kind was a key to being respected, I felt tremendous relief. It was okay that I wasn't furthering my formal education (though being a mom has indeed given me lots of "smarts"!), it was okay that I was at home the majority of the time (though that certainly didn't mean I wasn't a working woman!), and it was okay that the people (even if they were very small people!) I was influencing were my own children! I knew that I could cultivate kindness in my life. There was absolutely no one that could take that away from me and I was determined to make that a high priority in my daily life.

I have been blessed with much inspiration in the area of kindness from my earliest days. My mom is one of the kindest people I know. She is a very smart and gifted woman but I benefited most from her kindness through each day. When I was eight and a half, Mom had a baby and it was the first time she had complications. The emergency c-section left her very weak and her body rejected the stitches. It was one of the most difficult times of my mom's life, though I was quite oblivious at that age! Mom wasn't able to come upstairs to tuck us in for at least six weeks. When she did, she found that my sisters and I didn't do well in the keeping your room clean department without some accountability. She looked at our room, sat down on the bed and cried! No screaming or yelling - just sadness over our mess! At that moment, my motivation for keeping my room clean spiked and I don't think she ever had to cry at the state of our bedroom again! Mom also spoke many encouraging, life giving words into my life even during the teen years when I became boy crazy and obnoxious. I put her to the test so many times but there was always kindness in her heart and on her tongue for me and all of my siblings.

Another woman who touched my life at a time when I needed lots of help was Linda, a friend from Ohio. Linda has a Ph.D. in some science - I can never remember which because she is more concerned about helping others than talking about her knowledge. When our daughter, Lisa, was ill and then in the weeks after Lisa's homegoing, Linda would take our boys out with her boys for visits to museums, to the swimming pool or playground. Paul and Peter were just ten and seven years at the time and I was tired in my grief and in trying to still be a good mom to my kids. The great thing wasn't just that Linda was giving me some time to rest, but that she was such a kindhearted person I knew my boys were also gaining from their time with her.

It's interesting that the very next verse in Proverbs 11 says, "A kind man benefits himself...". The NLT translates this: "Your own soul is nourished when you are kind..." I want to be kind because of how it benefits all around me, but what a great thing to know I am also nourishing my own soul. This is a thought to ponder, especially when I face a choice of being mean and vindictive OR kind. When that choice is difficult, I remind myself that kindness is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22,23) which means I can ask God to give me a fresh supply whenever I need it. I love that God is always willingly giving us what we need!

I still fall short of my own expectations in so many areas...that pile of clutter I just can't get through, the good intentions that never come to fruition, the times I try to be organized but drop the ball...through it all I continue to strive for those character qualities my kids will remember they saw in me. I hope kindness will be at the top of the list!

"And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus." Ephesians 2:6,7

~Joy Herman

Friday, March 18, 2011


What a beautiful day!

Today I am thanful for:

58 degrees at 8am!


Laundry getting folded

Getting outside soon


Patience (work in progress)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Question Tuesday...

Road Trip Question

I was recently talking with a friend about how I don't mind going somewhere by myself because I love the quiet time. On my recent 3 hour trip, I listened to a book on CD, sang along with praise music and said prayers for my kids. I also packed myself carrots, celery with peanut butter, pretzels, etc. in case I got sleepy! On the way home late at night, I stopped at a Starbucks for a passion fruit tea. If you have been on a road trip, how do you like to spend the time in the car? Or if you haven't been able to get away without the kids, what would you enjoy on your dream road trip without kids?

~Joy Herman

Monday, March 14, 2011

Something and Someone

I am doing a Beth Moore Bible Study. It is the fourth one I have done. She is an incredible Bible teacher. This one is a study of Esther. It is challenging and provoking and has me examining my life--my purpose, my destiny.

I am also reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan with my Sunday school class. It is challenging and provoking and has me examining my life--the way I spend my time and our resources and how I obey all those red letters in the New Testament.

For a while there, I was starting to feel like my life was a tiny little bit of a thing and that I was completely missing the boat by staying home with my youngsters.

You see, according to my high school science teachers, I should be something, a doctor, or an engineer, or a scientist. And according to my college professors, I should be something, a leader among the teacher, a writer, a researcher. I've been demolishing the expectations of people for years (choosing instead of doctor, a teacher's life, and instead of teacher of the year, home with youngsters). But those expectations live on in my head, the dreams someone else had for me, and the definition of success written, no, inscribed in my head and heart by our world continue to speak to me.

I begin to believe a little too much in the words and expectations of others. I begin to question this path of submission to Creator and to husband that I am on, this rockiest of roads called motherhood and the anonymity of stay-at-home mom.

Then He speaks quietly in rocking a boy to sleep. I breathe in the smell of his head and I wonder at this little fellow given to me for such a short time. I am reminded that in caring, serving, loving this one, I am caring for the poor (for a babe born even into the wealthiest of families is utterly poor and completely dependent). When I stoop to tie shoes for a little girl still learning, I am meeting the needs of the lowly. When I forgive, bearing the consequences of another's wrongdoing, I am giving mercy.

I find that I am something--the only mother these two will ever have, a picture of the humility of Christ in a world of ego and pride (if I'm doing it well which I often do not).

And He speaks quietly in story. John and Charles Wesley had a faithful, prayerful mother. John Newton had a faithful and prayerful mother. John and Charles were great men of faith who are credited with founding Methodism and writing countless hymns. John Newton was a sailor for the slave trade, who later repented, became ordained in the Church of England, worked for the abolition of English slavery and wrote a number of hymns including Amazing Grace. I am reminded that faithful, loving, prayerful mothers can make for great spiritual leaders. That though the life of a mother of two in Uniontown may not seem like a big life filled with destiny, it is a purposeful, useful life filled with destiny.

Through the struggle and the sitting quietly at His feet, I am told that I am not merely something. He tells me I am someone. And it is in being someone that my destiny will be fulfilled.

I am still walking through Esther and Crazy Love and I am sure that some of what I am feeling is very much conviction, and I think it is appropriate to struggle with the red letters and the problem of poverty and want and need. But I am encouraged to think that this life isn't as little as those memories sometimes make me feel. And isn't is always a fun thing when you realize that your feelings aren't the truth.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thankful Friday!

It was 4:30am and my son yelled for me... "Moooommmmyyyy!!!" He wanted milk and to snuggle. I was already awake for some reason so I was prepared for a decent snuggling session- which is just what we had. He and I snuggled together while I rubbed his back, and he even rubbed mine a little while! It was one of those moments that will stay with me for a long time...

I read Joy's post above and realize that tucking in and spontaneous snuggles are not going to be requested forever, making them so sweet when they happen.

Today I'm thankful for:
  • A marriage conference held at church this weekend!
  • Sweet snuggle times
  • Seeing my niece performing in her high school play as one of the leads. She was amazing!
  • Mucinex
  • Puffs with Lotion
  • The hope that spring is just around the corner
  • Daylight Savings Time!
We all have much to be thankful for... what is on your list?

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Mommy and Me Time...

One of my favorite mommy and me moments has always been tucking my kids into bed. I don't get to do this too often anymore, mostly because I often go to bed earlier than my kids. Yes, hard to believe this is possible! Because bedtime was always a sweet time, I grab any opportunity to tuck one of my big kids into bed and pray over them. Most recently I had one of these moments with my daughter who had gotten up at 4 AM to drive from NC to visit. She dropped into bed exhausted, and I enjoyed getting her all tucked in as though she was still my sweet baby girl.

I wonder if one of the reasons I enjoyed bedtime so much was because there was a sense of victory in knowing that I had made it through another day as a mom - still sane and with my kids still in one piece! You moms know this is not something to take for granted. I sometimes had a child who awakened with the birds at 5:30 in the morning, which makes for a very long day! Getting through an entire morning, and then the entire afternoon, and then the whole dinner hour chaos leading into bath time....well, no wonder there was a feeling of sweet triumph at bedtime!

The most significant reason for enjoying bedtime still brings me the warm fuzzies and makes me think I could do all those years over again. It was the way my children's souls seemed to open and spill out the sweetest prayers to God and expressions of love to me or their dad. Children are so tender and insightful and mine always seemed to be uttering some nugget of wisdom that brought me back to what was really important in life. It's humbling to admit how wrong my perspective could be...I accomplished nothing today! These kids are driving me crazy! If people knew that I did nothing today except chase after this toddler... Then my sweet child would tell me she loved me "this much", spreading her arms out as wide as they could go, and I would once again see clearly and know I was doing exactly what God wanted me to do and He was pleased with all of my feeble efforts.

In my reminiscing, I do recall some trying moments with children who didn't want to go to sleep. I think each parent could write a book on the many strategies devised to get that little one to close those eyes and drift off to sleep....but I'd rather remember the moments when after story, prayers, hugs and kisses, sleep came quickly! Jack and I both enjoyed going back in the room later to check on the little sleeping cherubs and make sure they were covered or that the mosquito net was tucked in completely.

When Peter was a baby, I read a quote in George MacDonald's book, The Seaboard Parish, that expressed so well the relief I felt when my little ones were safely tucked into bed. "What a wonderful satisfaction it may give to a father or mother to see this or that child sleep! When parents see their children asleep (especially if they have been suffering in some way), they breathe more freely. A load is lifted off their minds; their responsibility seems over; the children have gone back to their Father, and He alone is looking after them for awhile."

I think I'll get up right now and make sure our only child left at home is sleeping soundly!! Then I will lay my head on my pillow, knowing as I drift off to sleep that I'm God's daughter and He is taking care for all who are precious to me.

Joy Herman

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Honey Oatmeal Bread

So who doesn't love bread? I have give this bread as gifts with elderberry jelly for Christmas. It was a hit.

I should say that I use my stand mixer for this recipe and have no real idea of how long to knead bread. I have heard others say knead till your arms feel like falling off and then add another minute or so. I did make some sourdough bread recently and that method seem to produce a nice loaf.

Honey Oatmeal Bread
from the KitchenAid Stand Mixer handbook
1 1/2 cups water
1/2 cup honey
1/3 cup butter or margarine
5 1/2-6 /12 cups flour (can do half white and half wheat)
1 cup oats
2 tsp salt
2 pkgs active dry yeast (4 1/2 tsp)
2 eggs (I often forget)

Place water, honey, and butter in a small saucepan. Heat over low heat til the mixture is very warm (120-130).
Mix together 5 cups flour, oats, salt, and yeast in a large bowl. Gradually add the warmed liquid mixture to the flour mixture. And stir till well combined. Add the eggs and combine well.
Stir in as much remaining flour as you can. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface. Knead in enough of the remaining flour to make a smooth and elastic dough. (Till your arms are ready to fall off and then a minute more.)
Place dough in a greased bowl and turn to grease top of dough. Cover lightly with waxed paper. Set in a warm place for about an hour or till dough doubles in size.
Divide dough in half. Shape into loaves. Place in a greased loaf pan, cover, and put back in the warm spot for another hour or till the dough doubles.
**Optional--beat 1 egg white and 1tbs water together and brush over the tops of the loaves. sprinkle with oatmeal.
Bake at 375 degrees for 40 minutes. Remove from pans immediately (otherwise the crust gets soggy) and cool.

Served warm or cool, this is great bread. Maybe I'll bring it next month.

I looked in my Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook which said that one would need to knead for 8-10 minutes to get a good loaf. That seems to correlate with the knead till your arms feel like they will fall off and add a minute that others have said.

I am sure this can be modified to use a bread maker too, but as I don't have one I don't know how. If you do, please comment.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Laundry Question Tuesday

With all the sunshine lately and thoughts of warmth and spring, I am waiting to get to one of my favorite laundry chores--hanging the clothes on the line. We have a clothes line on our deck (which we take down for events) and after the load washes out we all go. The sun and the air do wonders for the clothes. I love the smell!

What is your favorite part of this household chore? Are you a drier-drier or a hanging-drier?

Monday, March 7, 2011


I apologize for the delay in my blog post today. I have a few very good reasons for this delay.
  1. Ethan (can you blame me? Look how adorable he is!)
  2. Brenna
  3. Had to make phone calls to find logs for my house.
  4. An unexpected visit from our friend/contractor
  5. Made reservations for our week away in May
  6. Laundry
  7. Working on MOPS stuff for Tuesday.
  8. Emails (haven't checked them in awhile)
  9. Quiet time
  10. Mommy duties
  11. I better stop, because my list could grow QUICKLY. My, how busy today was!
I am just curious what each of our individual “lists” would look like on any given day. We should try that sometime. Life is BUSY.

I am not a morning person. Sometimes I think life may not "seem" so busy if I were one. Have never been, doubtful I ever will be. I use to think I would become one when I "grew up." I remember saying “When my kids go to school I will wake up at 6am, take a jog, hit the shower, and have a delicious breakfast ready for them every morning when they wake up!” Ha! Honestly, I STILL believe that is going to happen someday for me. Will power!! I admire and applause all of you that have that morning routine, or a similar one.

I have become better with mornings, but still do not like them. Difficult at times, when most of the others living in your house can't wait to get out of bed!

This morning driving Bren to school I couldn’t believe how fast the morning went. We were up at 7, did our morning routine and walked out the door at 8:20 for school. It truly flew this morning. The rest of the day quickly followed suit.

Time! Time! Time! Busy! Busy! Busy!

The first two bullets on my list are my favorite reasons for not blogging earlier. I was ENJOYING time with my children. Ethan and I played Wii and hung out for most of the morning. We chatted, we laughed, we hugged, we kissed, we tickled. No it wasn’t all fun! There were moments of not obeying and dealing with those too. But it amazes me how quickly those moments have been forgotten. That isn’t always the case. Just goes to show you that this was a good day!

Once Brenna was home it was time for me to go to “school.” Miss Brenna is a very good, thorough teacher. I am learning how to put words in ABC order, add, and subtract. I even have homework!

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

~Philippians 4:4

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

~Psalm 118:24

Don’t kids just OOOOOZEEE that verse out in everything that they do?! They want that EXACT same ENTHUSIASM from you. I believe they don’t just want that when you play together but they want, they even NEED, to see that positive, happy, :"ooozeee" from you too! They want to know that you love this day and are rejoicing and are glad to be in it! After all God gave it to you…so REJOICE! Again I say REJOICE!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Thankful Friday...

I’m sitting and watching the sunrise over the mountains from my son and daughter-in-law’s patio window. He is off to a youth conference in Chicago and she is off to her teaching job at a local high school and today is my day to have their darling baby all to myself! No wonder the sunrise is looking especially beautiful to me today! Since I didn’t bring my regular Bible study along, I reverted to the randomly opening your Bible strategy, except I always turn to a psalm. Just as the light started to shine through the clouds, I was reading…

"Praise the Lord. Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord. Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.” (Psalm 115:1-3)

It is verses like these that bring all the varied events of the week and my jumbled thoughts back to a more focused perspective. Although life may feel very out of control and very fragile, God is here. The eternal God who is always the same, the One from whom every good gift comes, and the One who promises that He will never give us more than we can bear.

My heart is still reeling from the sudden loss of a 22 year old young man who was a dear friend, particularly to two of my children who have been recalling special memories of youth group and youth retreats during their teenage years. The shock and sadness wrenches the heart but then God’s peace once again washes over it all, soothing and calming, as only He can do. As author, Nancy Guthrie says in her book, Holding Onto Hope, it is praise that comes from a broken heart that is especially precious to God.

It isn’t just the tragedies of life that mess with my soul, though. I can get downright troubled in spirit over just about anything that comes my way that doesn’t fit into my predefined idea of what is good for me! As a young mom, it was discovering that one of my kids was coming down with yet another bug, finding out that one of my little angels had done something naughty, or just standing in the laundry room or kitchen and wondering how I was going to dig out of the mess! Though some of my issues have changed a bit, I still need God’s gentle reminders that He knows what He is doing and He is right there to help me. “I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” (Psalm 16:8). Today as I dote over a sweet baby boy, I want to honor God by giving Him all my praise! In the difficult spots, I will keep a quiet heart and trust that He knows best.

Thankfulness list…

Great visit with our son and a friend during their spring break last weekend.

Our daughter also came to visit from NC, so it was a full, happy house.

Our son-in-law, Aaron, is due home from Afghanistan in 10 days!

Spring is on the way!

The fun of peeking in on my little grandson and hoping he will hurry up and awaken! (The latter identifies me as his grandmother, not his mother!)

A nice husband at home, willing to get our “baby”, Peter, up for high school, so I could leave the house so early!

~Joy Herman

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Take a Minute

Yesterday, Abigail woke from a much needed nap earlier than Simon. She doesn't wake ready for the next thing. She needs a few minutes. She came into the living room and curled up in the sunny warmth of the green chair. We sit it close to the wall because sometimes you feel as if you will be dumped out on your head, as if your body weight has somehow made the chair determine to take revenge. She started staring out the window.

What are you thinking about?
Nothing. I'm just looking at the pine cones. 
Do you want me to get the tree book so we can figure out what it is? 

I retrieved the tree book from our library. Smiling while remembering that I got it for competing in the 4-H National Forestry Competition. Don't tell my forester father, but I can't identify the conifer standing on the east side of our house. We got the book out and narrowed the tree to the spruce family. Beyond that I can't tell. No matter what it is a sparsely-limbed and poorly-coned spruce. We identified the other two spruces we could see from our window.

It was a sweet time cuddled in the chair, looking and talking and guessing. I am so glad I didn't walk passed her. I am encouraged to remember to take a minute to be with them. It fills us all up.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chocolate Milk

My children get up before I am ready to do anything with them. We have a morning ritual of a short video and chocolate milk. I have been using a powdered chocolate milk mix featuring a bunny on the canister. I have issues with high fructose corn syrup and other ingredients I don't recognize on the label. So I was thrilled when a fellow blogger created a chocolate syrup and a chocolate milk that has ingredients I can buy at the grocery store on my own.

I don't feel comfortable copying her post so here is the link. I will note that she uses sucanat which substitutes for sugar one-to-one. Last night when I was making the blender chocolate milk, I used sugar in place of the maple syrup and it was yummy. Abigail complained that after blending there were too many bubbles. I mixed up about half a gallon and after sitting in the fridge all night the bubbles lost their loft and she enjoyed it this morning.

Once or twice a week mixing for a few minutes to give me chocolate milk I understand, totally worth it!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's MARCH!!!!!

Today being the FIRST day of March ...

What are you looking forward to the MOST as we get these "spring like" days?!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sundays in Spring and Summer

I have mixed feelings about our Sundays in the spring and summer.

Our family enjoys the early service at our church and once in awhile we stay for the Sunday school hour. After that we say to each other "see ya later!"

My husband is an avid mountain biker. He has gotten a bit older so he no longer races and he rarely (but it does happen) gets out the studded tires for the brisk winter rides. He is passionate about four things in life: God, family, racing and biking (sometimes not always in that order).

You can mostly find me on Sunday afternoons in the company of my parents and occasionlly my brother and our children.With our busy schedules there is not one day that there is nothing on our calendars. So when Sunday comes around I do start to miss the winter months when we are together for the entire day. Yet I wouldn't change spending the time with my family nor would I ask my husband to give up something that he truly enjoys.

Yesterday the kids and I went solo! We had a blast together. Just the three of us! No visit to the grandparents and daddy was off in the woods. My plan wasn't to spend a large amount of time outside on the beautiful day but that's exactly what happened. After delivering some Girl Scout Cookies and checking out the gardens in our back yard we decided to go and check out our lake. (We live in - for lack of a better term - a community around a nice size lake) Our lake has been temporarily drained (don't get me started) but the stream is still running strong.
Once on the bridge we spent time looking at the beaver dam, how fast the stream was flowing, (sadly) how much trash was around, how far we have rowed on our boat, etc. We then decided to check out the nature trail that goes the 2.5 miles around the water.

Our ten minute walk turned into an almost 2 hour adventure! No cell phone, no other people, no interruptions, puddle boots (thank GOODNESS!), questions, answers, beauty, fresh air, warm sun and tons of fun! We even found treasure - a rusty golf club and 4 golf balls! Now to a 5 year-old boy, that's pretty sweet!

My favorite memories are when they come unplanned! I only wish I would have grabbed my camera with me yesterday.

Reading Wendy's contribution to the newsletter today, titled "The Necklace", I can't help but think about the little things we do daily with our children that we think nothing of, yet leave a huge impact on them. The good and the bad.

Oh I so want more good!!

May some unplanned adventure put some good funds in the memory banks of your children soon!

Psalm 118:24 - "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." (NIV)

Friday, February 25, 2011

It has been a sad few days (that may continue for some time) for many people that we know and love. A motorcycle accident took a young man home to be with the Lord.

When things like this happen, it seems that it always forces you to put "things in perspective". I can't help but wonder (and I am very guilty of this), why we don't live like that daily? Why don't we embrace every moment with our child? Why don't we cherish the moments spend with our parents, siblings, cousins?! Why don't we go and visit the person we have been promising to? Why don't we send that card or buy that gift - just because?! I know there are times when we simply cannot do things we desire to in our hearts. Children need raised and raised properly with discipline and love. Children get sick. Jobs get lossed. Parents need help. Relationships are not easy. Life is difficult. I believe all of us have time to show how much we care for someone. We just have to want to make it happen. Turn off the TV and go through the effort of loading the kids in the car to go visit family or friends. Make an effort.

I am not saying that if we do those things and "live everyday like it's our last" and that every time we leave the presence of someone we love that we shower them with kisses, hugs, and words of endearment, (Some of our friends may start to worry about us every time we part we are kissing them and such?! "Jen may need some help." ) that it's not going to make a loss any easier. You know what, maybe it will?

Just think, if we took up some of our spare time to spend it with those we loved and by doing so we filll our heads and our hearts, with joyous moments and wonderful memories then maybe there wouldn't be much room for worry and fear?

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?"

~Matthew 6:25

Today I am thankful...

In the midst of tragedy seeing His peace and love in those hurting the most.

The Love and comfort of many that is surronding dear friends facing this loss.


Five year old boys that say the cutest things - ever!

Faces that light up when given a sticker! A sticker!

For Josh...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Question Tuesday

Simon walks over carrying a book.

Book. Book. He says as he bangs it off my knee.

I've read them a hundred times before. Abigail has them memorized. I love the feel of little bodies curled up next to me learning to love words. Watching them sit with a book telling the stories over to themselves.

Abigail and I are working on phonics. She reminds me often that she can't read, implying that she needs to learn. Soon she will have the stories at her fingertips.

I'm a reading mom.

What's your favorite book and where do you read?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

But do you KNOW Him?

Pastor Jack from Cherry Tree Alliance Church preached a 6 week series on prayer and how it is the primary work of God's people. He posed the question several times in those 6 weeks "You may know ABOUT God, but do you KNOW God?" This struck quite a chord within my heart.

I'm not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to Bible facts, nor am I the Verse Memorization Princess of 2011. However, I know enough to know that I can hang with a "Christian-y" conversation pretty well. Four years of Christian school Bible Class, (including what felt like eons of Chapel Wednesdays) taught me plenty. I've also learned much from books I've read, local Christian talk show programs and very bright, interesting pastors. I've read the Bible and spent a lot of time praying. I've been a youth pastor, a Sunday School teacher and so I guess I could answer "Do you know ABOUT God?" somewhat confidently.

However, that question of "Do you not just know ABOUT him, but do you KNOW Him?" was timely and important for me. This is not to say that I've faked my beliefs, but it seems that lately I've been on Christian autopilot. Jesus and I we were kind of on "hiatus" in the heart-connected relationship department, if you will. (read: my polite way of admitting that I was not reading my Bible or praying much).

During a 3 week fast challenge that our pastor put out to the congregation, I decided not to fast per-se, but to eliminate my extracurricular reading. No magazines at breakfast or books at night, and I put down my new e-reader. For three weeks, I was reading only the Bible and praying. Wow, what a difference that has made! I've had a lot of fun becoming familiar with the different Bibles I have laying around and what they have to teach me. I've felt closer to the Lord in the past month than I have for a long time. My prayers feel more natural and connected and I feel more open to His leading.

I say this, not to praise myself (for it was not my doing, but the Holy Spirit's lead. I was the one who had been reading my "get organized magazines" every morning and am still not organized!), but to encourage others that a willing heart and an open Bible are a great combination for rebuilding a relationship with Him.

I had been telling myself lately "I don't know that I totally understand the Bible when I read it", but I do if I take the time and am patient and interested through my reading. Reading about Christ in books and hearing about Him on the radio pales in comparison to reading about Him in his Word!

Are you in need of a jump start in your relationship with Jesus? If so, try committing to a small time period where you focus just on Him. Eliminate something in your life and spend that time learning about faith, trust and hope that the Lord gives us in his Word... the Bible can become addicting!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thankful Friday

The brief preview of spring this week has reminded me again how much I love the changing seasons here in beautiful Pennsylvania. There are great aspects of winter - the beauty of the snow, the coziness of my home, the comfort of hot soup and hot cocoa, and the celebration of two hour delays and snow days. However, I'm feeling quite ready to move on to a new season! Soon there will be longer walks outside, lighter jackets, more sunshine, budding trees and plants, and meals cooked on the grill! And springtime brings Easter, the celebration of Jesus' resurrection and the hope we have that death will be vanquished and all tears will be wiped from our eyes. I'm thankful that God allows nature all around us to remind us of Him and His greatness.

I'm also thankful for good books! Although my time to read is limited, I'm happy for even a few minutes sitting in bed or in the tub with a book open. I love that there are people who are so smart and creative and write such great stories! Have you read anything lately by Francine Rivers, Randy Alcorn, Philip Yancey or Elizabeth Elliot? Their stories and writings on the Christian faith have had a tremendous impact on me through my adult years. As a child, my favorite author was Patricia M. St. John, whose stories introduced me to unforgettable characters in countries where I've never been. The book I have read over and over that always has something new and applicable to my life is the Bible. The best part about reading the Bible is getting to know the Hero of the book, Jesus Christ!

My thankful list could go on and on, but I have to mention the people in my life - friends, family, church family and coworkers. To top off all of these wonderful relationships, I now have a darling grandson, who has completely stolen my heart! He is a constant reminder to me that it is the people in our lives who are our greatest treasure!

I'm also grateful that Friday means the weekend is beginning and there will be more time to relax and spend time with the people I love!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Question Tuesday!

Thinking back to last weeks' MOPS and POPS night, I'm thinking about all of the fun that we had! Not to mention that yesterday was Valentine's Day. So, here's a chance to brag on your husband (you don't have to have attended the banquet to answer!)

What is one thing you LOVE about your husband? What is something that he has done or does frequently that makes your heart soar?

Monday, February 14, 2011


I totally forgot that I was supposed to post Friday. And today, I got caught up in the taxes and care of two littles and one sick big one. Feeling crummy myself, I forgot that I was supposed to post today, too.

I knew the basic outline of what I planned to say. To speak of the great God I serve. The one who can, who does, create it all and holds it all in the palm of His hand. Unflinching, fingers spread. The only things I can hold in the palm of my hand are inanimate! He holds spinning, swirling galaxies and scurrying ants and rebellious people.

I knew next I wanted to write of those palms etched with the names of His followers, marked with the scars of nails. Proof of love.

We were talking of it in Sunday school. The way in light of all that God is and all that He's created, we are really rather insignificant. But for the palms with names and scars! You see, it is God's love that grants us our significance. I am significant because I have been created by the hands of the one who places planets in their orbits and names the stars. I am significant because He saw my need and He came to my rescue. I am significant because of the scars and the etchings on His palms.

I am significant in love. And I grant significance to others through love.

I pray tonight, in this late night post, stumbling instead of eloquent, that you will find significance in the love of the God who holds galaxies in His nail scarred hands.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Simple Things...

I am thankful for:

A cat named Dewey who comforted both of my sick children this week by snuggling them the entire time they were camped on the couch. One Monday & Tuesday the other Thursday and Friday. I believe he even found the time to snuggle up my husband who filled in the sickness gap on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Currently everyone's seems healthy again (just a little fatigue going around)!

Smiles on faces

Anticipation of a good night's sleep

Lysol Spray

Lysol 4-n-1 Cleaner

Pine Sol




Thursday, February 10, 2011

My first Valentine!

Last night at church, there it was! My little guy walked up to me with a "surprise" and handed me the very first Valentine that he's made for me. When we were trying hard to become pregnant, this was one of those things I dreamed about and there it was in real life! It was as real as a Valentine can get: it says "Mommy" and his name and is in the shape of a big heart, and it made my heart soar. Especially because he made a production of having it hidden in something else and presented it to me as a hard made gift.

These little things are so special, and the delight in his eyes as he gave it to me was so heartwarming. It make me wonder about God and how he must feel when we delight him. Psalm 149 tells us to praise him and he delights in us! What a great feeling, so much more so than even my son feels from giving me a Valentine, to have the Lord delight in us as we praise him!

Praise the LORD.

Sing to the LORD a new song,
his praise in the assembly of his faithful people.

Let Israel rejoice in their Maker;
let the people of Zion be glad in their King.

Let them praise his name with dancing
and make music to him with timbrel and harp.

For the LORD takes delight in his people;
he crowns the humble with victory.

Let his faithful people rejoice in this honor
and sing for joy on their beds.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


(We are NOT cancelling!)

See you at 6pm!
Don't forget to bring your POP or you BFF!!!

Be safe on the for ICE!!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

God is in control!

Note to self: God is in control!
I have a confession to make - I really, really like my life to run smoothly! I enjoy it most when events of each day are well planned, organized, and everyone is happy. At some point along the way, I had to admit that these desires involved some control issues and that I needed help with my problem! I now refer to myself as a "recovering controlaholic", because I still struggle with these issues on a regular basis but I depend on my very big God to keep me in check.

Looking back on my life I really can't blame anyone for making me this way. It's true that I grew up in a large family with parents whose amazing management skills and work ethics combined could probably conquer a small country! They were quite balanced, however, and still let us have plenty of spontaneous fun. Perhaps it can be traced to that sinful nature I was born with that really likes my own way the best!

I made it all the way to parenthood before my calm little world was shaken and I realized that I couldn't keep things as smooth and ordered as I would like. Our first daughter was the model baby, sleeping through the night at six weeks, and causing me to pat myself on the back for being such a calm mother. Then our darling second daughter arrived and even though I followed all of the same great techniques, she did not sleep through the night for a very, very long time! When number three child, our first son, arrived, any sense of control and order I still clung to flew away and I went into survival mode! Because of my relationship with Jesus, I did a lot of admitting that I needed help and learning to relax. Even though I could no longer have a "quiet time", getting alone with God, I kept opening my Bible to look for insights on how to stay sane.

One verse that really hit me hard that God still whispers to me when I'm stuck on my seemingly superior plan, is from Proverbs 3:7, "Do not be wise in your own eyes..." The verses that come right before this much needed reminder help me to relax and not get hung up on my great plans. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." (Having straight paths means I won't be wandering in the darkness or getting stuck in bad detours!) This is one of those treasures in the Bible that tells us so clearly what to do and offers a wonderful promise for those who do it! Why do I make things so difficult for myself when all I need to do is give God control (the little that I perceive I have!) and let Him show me the best way?!

Over the years my Heavenly Father has allowed me many lessons in this area; He is so gracious that way! The experiences of going overseas as missionaries and adjusting to a new culture rivaled some of my parenting challenges. Everything I had known in my home culture was ripped away and I had to adjust to a strange, new way. I struggled deeply during our adjustment time and it was only through letting God's Word light my path that I was able to embrace my new surroundings and love the people to whom I had come to minister. During these years God mercifully changed me so that when the hardest test came along, having our precious daughter, Lisa, taken from us by illness, I was able to keep holding on to Him and believing His plan is best.

Each morning I still have to have a little chat with God and with my heart! "God please help me to remember today that You are in control. Nothing is too difficult for You! On my own, I can do nothing that will amount to anything! I need You so much!" Then I look for some new promise in His Word just to cement my resolve to leave it all in His Hands. Those promises are like my daily food and the air I breathe - they keep me persevering even when my life isn't going how I would have planned it!

"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desire of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this." Psalm 37:4,5

"How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear You, which You bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in You."
Psalm 31:19

"A righteous 'woman' may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers her from them all. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:17,18

~Joy Herman

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thankful Friday!

Right now, I am at my mom's house as is with every Friay. My son is playing with her and I am studying for my classes. I hear them playing and remember the hours and hours my grandfather spent with me doing something and doing nothing. I remember him pushing me on his huge tree swing, playing gin (card game if you don't know), shucking corn, taking me to Rishel's gas station for a lollipop and driving me around Hopwood to see the houses he'd built by hand. I remember him, crippled by arthritis, standing up to yell to me during my high school basketball game because he was so proud.
Pappy was 77 when I was born, I chatted incessantly and he was pretty quiet, he had blue eyes and white hair, I had brown eyes and brown hair, I was tiny and he was huge, we weren't even of the same gender... and yet, we had so much fun together. I can still hear his comments as he tried to cream me in gin. He lived his last years in Florida happily fishing in the Atlantic Ocean every day.
He received a letter from me the night he died... I was 15 and he was 93. We went to Florida and dumped his ashes in the Atlantic Ocean (illegal, I know!) I threw my hard earned state track meet medal in the ocean for him. He made such an impact on my life and I still miss him so.
I am so thankful for this time my mom is spending with my son. Not only because I get to study (yay!) but most importantly for the memories they are building. They don't play gin yet, but they play a lot of other things (right now, it's "car dealer") I remember how proud I was to see Pappy at my basketball game, and I saw that same proud glow in my son's eyes when he saw his grandma at his Christmas play. I can only hope that my mom is able to make the same impact on my son that her dad had on me. I think she's off to a great start... and she packs some great lollipops.
Thank you, Lord, for the blessing of future memories and family.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Turn Off the Radio

I'm not good with things dueling for my attention. I think it explains why our efforts to have our children closer together were thwarted. One needy thing at a time. God knew.

I'm also a slow learner, preferring to blame something or someone else for my shortcomings. For a long time the car was torture. The ten minute drive to Target felt like a week.

I was used to getting into my car and turning on the radio and driving to my destination. Then Abigail started talking. Then she started having conversations. Then she started asking questions. And expecting answers. (How dare she, right?) The days of tuning out toddler babble were over. And I would spend the time with dueling noises--the radio and the girl.

This went on for a while, an embarrassingly long while. All I wanted was for Abigail to be quiet in the car.

Then I read a little homeschooling book about a method of educating children designed by Charlotte Mason. She observed in her original writings that when a child was thinking she was talking. There wasn't another way for a child to think. (Of course she also observed that adults can think and talk independently often talking without thinking.) It changed my perspective. Perhaps the girl should win the duel. When she wants to converse in the car, the radio is turned off. If she is making random noise, I reserve the right to turn the radio on and ask her to be quiet.

Turning the radio off in the car and in the kitchen has so relaxed me as a mother. I have allowed myself to be invited and to accept the invitation into her head and her heart. The things she thinks about are amazing, the questions she asks confounding, and the way she looks at the world intriguing.

I know some of you are like my husband and exist with background noise. My point isn't that you must mother as I do, but rather to accept that their chatter is an invitation to know them well.

Train up a child in the way he should go
Even when he is old he will not depart from it. 
Proverbs 22:6
(While this verse appears to say that if you teach your child about God, he will never turn away. But it has more to deal with teaching your child about his unique design and the ways he can go with that. Getting to know the unique person God has entrusted to us is imperative to giving them this training.)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fun Question...for YOU!

I know this will be hard for some of us, seriously. Let's just focus on ourselves...and take a stroll down memory lane.

Many of us wanted to be many things as we grew up. I went from FBI agent to dolphin trainer. Swimming with the big fish by day...secret agent by night. Hey, it could happen!

As I grew my interests changed.

Writing (all kinds) is my passion (remember I am just focusing on myself).

However, my secret hidden "OH I so wish I could (be) _________________!"


What's yours?

Monday, January 31, 2011


I have been feeling a little on the well, let's just say the discouraged side lately. I am happy to say that I can feel that changing.

So on this cold Monday morning if you find yourself feeling a little discouraged...I hope what I am sharing will help you add and rearrange some letters to make you ... encouraged!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

~ Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

When I find myself discouraged I have some verses that give me comfort and His peace. I also have a few quotes that I find encouraging. But I also seek refuge in music.

If you have some time this morning to listen to a few songs I hope they speak to your heart.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Giving thanks...

I guess it might seem trite at times when we talk about counting our blessings, but it's essential to maintaining  perspective!  There are so many blessings and as we learn to live with a trusting heart, we can see the positives even in the events and situations that are difficult.   
Tonight I am thankful for...
 - a dear friend and former colleague from the Philippines who is scheduled to visit us for the weekend.  The prospect of having overnight company means my house is a bit tidied up and the fridge is full!
- my husband and children - I really don't deserve to have such a wonderful family!
- texting - don't know how I'd keep up with my adult children without it!
- snowdays and two hour delays - I love the beauty of the snow and it's great celebrating with my son when we get news of a delay or cancellation.
- womanhood!  A Bible study I am doing on the book of Esther is reminding me to celebrate being a woman.  One of the best parts of being a woman is the great understanding I share with my mom, sisters, and all my female friends!
-Jesus, an amazing friend who has never given up on me.  He has comforted me through the crushing heartbreaks and the many small trials on my journey.  We are never alone!
By Joy Herman

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I am trying.

Trying to change my very poor attitude that I cannot seem to shake this week.

Why is that?

Well let me list some things (in no particular order):

* My dryer has been broken for 8 days now ...

* My son has been coughing for 2 weeks now...

* My daughter has been sick with a temp and sore throat since Sunday night...

* I have not been feeling well for about a week...

* I hear the demanding form of the word "mommy" . . . . ALOT!

* I am not meeting goals that I have set for myself.

*As much as I LOVE the keeps getting in the way!

*Our checking account seems to be leaking.

*My house is well...let's just say...well, let's just not say!

*I am tired! Why aren't my children?!

You know the song "Count your many them one by one...count your many blessings...see what God has done..."

I have many. Sometimes for me, it helps to list what is making me crabby (or what I feel is making me crabby) and then make the list of blessings that makes me sick at my stomach for making the crabby list to begin with!!!

* I have a warm home!

* I have moms who are doing my laundry while my dryer is broken.
YES I have noticed that my dryer happens to be broken while we are all sick. A hidden blessing! My only worry right now is taking care of my children, NOT the build up of housework that awaits when we are better!! Wow! God timed that just right, I'd say!

* My goals are never out of reach.

* I really do LOVE the snow!

* One day that word "mommy" is going to turn into "MY MOTHER" and it's going to sound like "Mom" topped with attitude because I AM annoying THEM! So perhaps I better cherish every "mommy" I get no matter what the tone!

* Mr. Stafford (the repair man, who I should really add to my Christmas card list...heck Christmas GIFT list!) is on his way at this VERY moment!!!!

* My kids just have a virus. Nothing major!

* My husband will fix the leaks in the checking account. It's not really my responsibility.

* I am loving the book of Esther! (It's in the Bible)

* My house will never reach my standards. In fact NEITHER WILL I!!!!!

The point to all of this is...

My lack of changing my attitude and my perspective is the reason I am crabby. I do not like negative people. I really don't like when I become one.

I am going to spend this Mommy & Me Thursday doing just that...SPENDING TIME WITH MY ME'S!!!!!!

New Super Mario Bros we come!!!!!!
I'm feeling better already!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mom's Night Out

This past Saturday was our Mom's Night Out!

We had a very nice time! Lots of laughing, sharing, caring and encouraging. We also had FUN!

We missed those that were NOT able to make it!